Titan Indoor Track Update Dec 30, 2012
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!I hope your holiday season has been a good one so far. Come Wednesday, it’s time to get back to the grind. When 2013 is ushered in, there are only 136 days until the State Track and Field Championships. That sounds like a long time, but when the day arrives, there is usually a universal feeling from everyone involved: "I can’t believe the season’s almost over". Make sure that when May rolls around, you feel like you have done everything possible to make yourself a better athlete and the TEAM a better TEAM. That’s a great feeling!!!
WEDNESDAY MEETING ROOM 2118Workout and camp info for the remainder week will be covered. Every event should plan on working out each day this week. Availability of facilities will determine just what we focus on in the workouts.
USU CAMPSI’ve attached the flier and registration information for the USU Camps that will be held this Friday and Saturday. If you return the registration by Thursday morning, the cost will only be $30. Have checks made out to "USU Winter Camps". The Friday camps are for the High Jump, Long Jump and Javelin. The Saturday camps are for Sprints, Hurdles, Shot Put, Discus, Pole Vault and Distance. The USU coaches and athletes do a good job- the camp can really be a benefit to many of you.
USU INDOOR MEETOur first meet is less than two weeks away- January 12th. This is a good meet to use as a starting point to gauge your progress throughout the year. It is also fairly low-key, so it is very good for athletes new to the sport. You will be competing against many other athletes new to the sport.
NEW WEB SITEI’ve set up a new web site that contains a calendar, pictures, records, etc. It is one that you can not only access, but also add some things on your own. Here are some of the features:
CALENDAR- has the Indoor and Outdoor Track schedule as well as other entries, such as a few birthdays:
PHOTO LIBRARY- I’ve loaded quite a few pictures from last years’ track. I will load more throughout the season:
FILES- By clicking on files, you can download a copy of the Track Schedule, Indoor Records, Performance Lists, Titan Indoor All-Time Lists, Utah Indoor All-Time Lists, etc. Now, here’s the dangerous news- you have the same access as I do to update and edit the site.
I would like you to add your birthday to the calendar- I’ve already added a few. All you have to do is click on the "+" in the date, type your name, then select "repeat annually". As the season progress, you can also upload pictures. I haven’t played with that option enough to give you much help. The site is a work in progress. Steps as to how to access the site were contained in the email sent earlier.
Hopefully, this site will help you stay informed and motivated. We will still use the titantrack2012.blogspot.com site, but this one has many additional features.
Have a great New Year celebration, and an even greater 2013!!!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Titan Indoor Track Update Dec 16, 2012
But could be better. Try to make it to all of the workouts. While we may not be working with your particular event, there are plenty of things you can do to make yourself better prepared for the indoor and outdoor seasons.
Workout and camp info for the week will be covered.
Information for the camps is available in my room.
We have some small and medium t-shirts we will be using for indoor available. There are both regular and sleeveless in both sizes. Pay $10 in the office and bring the receipt if you would like one.
Monday- EVERYONE meet in Room 2118 at 2:30. There will be no TEAM workouts Monday due to Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Monday- Introduction to Weight Lifting after the weekly meeting. I will go over weight room rules, safety and show you a few basic lifts.
Tuesday- Speed/Pole Vault Camp. Meet in room 2118 at 2:30, dressed, ready to workout. ALL sprinters, hurdlers, jumpers should attend the Speed Camp.
Wednesday- Speed/Pole Vault Camp. Meet in room 2118 at 2:30, dressed, ready to workout. ALL sprinters, hurdlers, jumpers should attend the Speed Camp.
Thursday- Everyone interested in the High Jump should meet in room 2118 at 2:30. We will be jumping.
Friday- TBA.
Daily- All distance meet in the Hallway between the two gyms at 2:40 with Coaches Wilcox and Busby. Be dressed warm, ready to run. Meet in Room 2118 on Monday.
No tiebreaker. Each of you six have a choice of $10 or a t-shirt.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Indoor Update - Dec 9, 2012
Good turnout- around 120 showed up. A world record for brevity was set. If you missed it or if you know someone interested in the program, drop by room 2118 to pick up the information covered.
We will briefly meet each Monday to go over the weekly workout and meet schedule. There are always changes from the posted workouts due to weather, facilities, etc. I will also have information concerning the BYU and Utah State Indoor Camps. BE THERE.
Monday- EVERYONE meet in Room 2118 at 2:40. There will be no TEAM workouts Monday due to Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Tuesday- Everyone interested, even slightly, in running hurdles meet in Room 2118 at 2:40. Be dressed, ready to workout.
Wednesday- ALL sprinters, hurdlers, jumpers meet in Room 2118 at 2:40. We will move into the Small Gym as soon as it is available for the Speed/Pole Vault Camps.
Thursday- All Throwers meet in Room 2118 at 2:40.
Daily- All distance meet in the Hallway between the two gyms at 2:40 with Coaches Wilcox and Busby. Be dressed warm, ready to run. Meet in Room 2118 on Monday.
I’ve attached the tentative workouts for the week. There are a couple changes from the workouts included on the handout from the meeting Thursday.
I’ve attached a roster that includes the information you provided at the Indoor meeting. Check it out and let me know of errors.
A great deal of information is posted on the following web site: http://titantrack2012.blogspot.com/. Records, performance lists, schedule, etc., are posted there. Refer to it frequently.
In events commonly run in Outdoor Track and Field, there were four World Records set in 2012. Two of these records were established in the Men’s and Women’s 4x100m Relays. Part 1: What were the events, times, and record-setters in the other two events? Part 2: Who holds those Outdoor Records for Syracuse High: Checking out the http://titantrack2012.blogspot.com/ site may provide some help. And the site will also help provide the “tie-breaker” in case of ties for the $50. The winner will be determined at the meeting Monday at 2:40.
HELPING HINTS FOR $50 - For Part 1, go to the following site:
The answer for Part 2 can be found on this site. Go to May posts. The two names have something in common.
Tiebreaker clue: something dealing with this main page.
Good turnout- around 120 showed up. A world record for brevity was set. If you missed it or if you know someone interested in the program, drop by room 2118 to pick up the information covered.
We will briefly meet each Monday to go over the weekly workout and meet schedule. There are always changes from the posted workouts due to weather, facilities, etc. I will also have information concerning the BYU and Utah State Indoor Camps. BE THERE.
Monday- EVERYONE meet in Room 2118 at 2:40. There will be no TEAM workouts Monday due to Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Tuesday- Everyone interested, even slightly, in running hurdles meet in Room 2118 at 2:40. Be dressed, ready to workout.
Wednesday- ALL sprinters, hurdlers, jumpers meet in Room 2118 at 2:40. We will move into the Small Gym as soon as it is available for the Speed/Pole Vault Camps.
Thursday- All Throwers meet in Room 2118 at 2:40.
Daily- All distance meet in the Hallway between the two gyms at 2:40 with Coaches Wilcox and Busby. Be dressed warm, ready to run. Meet in Room 2118 on Monday.
I’ve attached the tentative workouts for the week. There are a couple changes from the workouts included on the handout from the meeting Thursday.
I’ve attached a roster that includes the information you provided at the Indoor meeting. Check it out and let me know of errors.
A great deal of information is posted on the following web site: http://titantrack2012.blogspot.com/. Records, performance lists, schedule, etc., are posted there. Refer to it frequently.
In events commonly run in Outdoor Track and Field, there were four World Records set in 2012. Two of these records were established in the Men’s and Women’s 4x100m Relays. Part 1: What were the events, times, and record-setters in the other two events? Part 2: Who holds those Outdoor Records for Syracuse High: Checking out the http://titantrack2012.blogspot.com/ site may provide some help. And the site will also help provide the “tie-breaker” in case of ties for the $50. The winner will be determined at the meeting Monday at 2:40.
HELPING HINTS FOR $50 - For Part 1, go to the following site:
The answer for Part 2 can be found on this site. Go to May posts. The two names have something in common.
Tiebreaker clue: something dealing with this main page.
Indoor Track Info
Welcome to the Syracuse Indoor Track and Field Club. Through the years, many State Champions had their first taste of the sport in an indoor program. Approach this opportunity with a positive attitude, willing to learn as you meet new challenges. You have no idea where the journey may take you.
Each Monday (and Jan. 2nd), we will meet in Room 2118 at 2:40 to go over the weekly workout schedule. These schedules and other workout meet information will also be posted in the window of room 2118 as well on the web site.
Much of the training will be done on your own. We expect all of you to complete the daily workouts to the best of your ability. Daily Roll will be taken to help determine Simplot eligibility.
Meet and Workout Information, Records, Results, Performance Lists, Links to Track Sites, Pictures, etc., are posted on the following web site: www.titantrack2012.blogspot.com. REFER TO IT OFTEN.
TR- Training Run- this is simply a continuous run at a fairly comfortable pace. Keep the heart rate up at a training level.
FR- Fartlek Run- a continuous run where you change pace at different intervals. Ex.: 1 minute fast, 2 minutes recovery, etc.
Plyometrics- jumping, bounding drills. Ex. Jumping rope, box hops, double leg hops, line hops, etc.
Stadium Stairs Run- run up a stadium aisle, cross over to the next, run down, cross over, run up, etc.
Stadium Run- same as above, but include 3/4 lap jog between each set of stairs.
Stadium Hills- sprints up the hill west of the Stadium- begin about 20m before the hill, sprint to the top.
55/60m Hurdles, 55/60m Dash, 200m Dash, 400m Dash, 800m Run, 1600m Run, 3200m Run, Shot Put, High Jump, Pole Vault, Weight Throw, Long Jump, 4x200m Relay, 4x400m Relay, 4x800m Relay, and Medley Relay.
Dec 6 Indoor Meeting 2:30 “Fish Bowl”
Dec 11 Hurdle Intro 2:40 Room 2118
Dec 12/18/19 Speed/PV Camp 2:40 Room 2118
Dec 13 Throwers Intro 2:40 Room 2118
Dec 20 High Jump Intro 2:40 Room 2118
Dec 28/29 BYU Camps TBA BYU
*Jan 4/5 USU Camps TBA Utah State
*Jan 12 USU Indoor TBA Utah State
Jan 18/19 BYU Indoor TBA BYU
*Jan 18/19 WSU Indoor TBA Weber State
*Feb 1 / 2 UHSTCA Indoor TBA Kearns Ice Oval
Feb 8 Distance Challenge TBA Kearns Ice Oval
*Feb 14-16 Simplot Games TBA Idaho State
* = Definite Meets
Titan Camps/Clinics- Various Days. Come learn about and try any event. ALL Sprinters, Hurdlers, and Jumpers should attend the Speed Camp beginning Dec 12th.
BYU Track Camps- Dec 28, 5:00 pm, Dec 29, 9:00 am. HJ, LJ, PV, Sprints, Hurdles and Throws are covered. The cost is $75, which includes a t-shirt and lunch.
USU Track Camps- Jan 4th- HJ, LJ and Javelin Camps: Jan 5th- Throws, Sprint, Hurdle, Distance and PV Camps. The camps cost $30 if you register with me by Jan 2nd, $50 after that. Price includes a t-shirt and meal.
The cost of most meets is $4.00 - $5.00 for each athlete. You pay for meets. There is no club fee.
The Simplot Games Meet is the highlight of the Indoor season. This is the largest Indoor Track meet in the U.S. We will take about 40-50 athletes to compete at the Minidome in Pocatello, Idaho, leaving Feb. 14th after school and returning Feb. 16th. The cost of the trip will be about $100. Not everyone will be invited to go. The criteria for selection is:
1. Best marks at the first two indoor meets;
2. Attendance at scheduled event practices and clinics ;
3. Completion of workouts on your own;
4. How much "attention" you require on the trip;
5. Academic and citizenship eligibility. Athletes attending Simplot must be eligible according to the criteria set by the school for extra-curricular activities.
Those who are 100% certain they are going to participate in Outdoor Track and Field should try to get into 8th period Advanced Team Conditioning class 2nd semester. It is not mandatory, but can be an advantage.
GET STARTED NOW!! Spread the word and do some recruiting. Help us get as many involved as possible and have a fun, successful experience.
Welcome to the Syracuse Indoor Track and Field Club. Through the years, many State Champions had their first taste of the sport in an indoor program. Approach this opportunity with a positive attitude, willing to learn as you meet new challenges. You have no idea where the journey may take you.
Each Monday (and Jan. 2nd), we will meet in Room 2118 at 2:40 to go over the weekly workout schedule. These schedules and other workout meet information will also be posted in the window of room 2118 as well on the web site.
Much of the training will be done on your own. We expect all of you to complete the daily workouts to the best of your ability. Daily Roll will be taken to help determine Simplot eligibility.
Meet and Workout Information, Records, Results, Performance Lists, Links to Track Sites, Pictures, etc., are posted on the following web site: www.titantrack2012.blogspot.com. REFER TO IT OFTEN.
TR- Training Run- this is simply a continuous run at a fairly comfortable pace. Keep the heart rate up at a training level.
FR- Fartlek Run- a continuous run where you change pace at different intervals. Ex.: 1 minute fast, 2 minutes recovery, etc.
Plyometrics- jumping, bounding drills. Ex. Jumping rope, box hops, double leg hops, line hops, etc.
Stadium Stairs Run- run up a stadium aisle, cross over to the next, run down, cross over, run up, etc.
Stadium Run- same as above, but include 3/4 lap jog between each set of stairs.
Stadium Hills- sprints up the hill west of the Stadium- begin about 20m before the hill, sprint to the top.
55/60m Hurdles, 55/60m Dash, 200m Dash, 400m Dash, 800m Run, 1600m Run, 3200m Run, Shot Put, High Jump, Pole Vault, Weight Throw, Long Jump, 4x200m Relay, 4x400m Relay, 4x800m Relay, and Medley Relay.
Dec 6 Indoor Meeting 2:30 “Fish Bowl”
Dec 11 Hurdle Intro 2:40 Room 2118
Dec 12/18/19 Speed/PV Camp 2:40 Room 2118
Dec 13 Throwers Intro 2:40 Room 2118
Dec 20 High Jump Intro 2:40 Room 2118
Dec 28/29 BYU Camps TBA BYU
*Jan 4/5 USU Camps TBA Utah State
*Jan 12 USU Indoor TBA Utah State
Jan 18/19 BYU Indoor TBA BYU
*Jan 18/19 WSU Indoor TBA Weber State
*Feb 1 / 2 UHSTCA Indoor TBA Kearns Ice Oval
Feb 8 Distance Challenge TBA Kearns Ice Oval
*Feb 14-16 Simplot Games TBA Idaho State
* = Definite Meets
Titan Camps/Clinics- Various Days. Come learn about and try any event. ALL Sprinters, Hurdlers, and Jumpers should attend the Speed Camp beginning Dec 12th.
BYU Track Camps- Dec 28, 5:00 pm, Dec 29, 9:00 am. HJ, LJ, PV, Sprints, Hurdles and Throws are covered. The cost is $75, which includes a t-shirt and lunch.
USU Track Camps- Jan 4th- HJ, LJ and Javelin Camps: Jan 5th- Throws, Sprint, Hurdle, Distance and PV Camps. The camps cost $30 if you register with me by Jan 2nd, $50 after that. Price includes a t-shirt and meal.
The cost of most meets is $4.00 - $5.00 for each athlete. You pay for meets. There is no club fee.
The Simplot Games Meet is the highlight of the Indoor season. This is the largest Indoor Track meet in the U.S. We will take about 40-50 athletes to compete at the Minidome in Pocatello, Idaho, leaving Feb. 14th after school and returning Feb. 16th. The cost of the trip will be about $100. Not everyone will be invited to go. The criteria for selection is:
1. Best marks at the first two indoor meets;
2. Attendance at scheduled event practices and clinics ;
3. Completion of workouts on your own;
4. How much "attention" you require on the trip;
5. Academic and citizenship eligibility. Athletes attending Simplot must be eligible according to the criteria set by the school for extra-curricular activities.
Those who are 100% certain they are going to participate in Outdoor Track and Field should try to get into 8th period Advanced Team Conditioning class 2nd semester. It is not mandatory, but can be an advantage.
GET STARTED NOW!! Spread the word and do some recruiting. Help us get as many involved as possible and have a fun, successful experience.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Indoor Track Records
Girls Indoor Track Records
SHOT PUT @38'04.50 Jessica Pauni 2010
WEIGHT THROW 37'02.00 Jessica Pauni 2010
HIGH JUMP 4'08.00 Jaycie Smith 2012
4'08.00 Jordan Anderson 2012
LONG JUMP 15'09.00 Ali Morris 2011
TRIPLE JUMP @30'04.50 Ali Morris 2011
55m HURDLES 9.05 Sasha Russell 2010
60m HURDLES @9.49 Sasha Russell 2010
55m DASH @7.59 Mayra Franco 2011
60m DASH @8.01 Mayra Franco 2011
200m DASH #26.86 Mayra Franco 2011
400m DASH 59.15 Lindsey McFarland 2010
800m RUN 2:24.61 Hannah Williams 2009
1600m RUN 5:12.56 Hannah Williams 2010
3200m RUN #11:49.24 Hannah Williams 2010
4 x 200m RELAY @1:51.86 Sasha Russell, Shelby Cadwell 2010
Kelsey Westbroek, Lindsey McFarland
4 x 400m RELAY @4:17.93 Lindsey McFarland, Shelby Cadwell, 2009
Hannah Williams, McKayla Williams
4 x 800m RELAY 10:29.68 Katrina Dunlap, Mallory Ashby, 2012
Erin Kibler, Cheyna Field
4 x 1 Lap RELAY (BYU) 3:25.9 Lindsey McFarland, Hilary Peterson, 2009
Kelsey Westbroek, Sasha Russell
MEDLEY RELAY @4:24.81 Lindsey McFarland, Shelby Cadwell 2010
Sasha Russell, Hannah Williams
# Mark set on Oversized Track
@ Mark is on Utah All-Time Indoor List
Boys Indoor Track Records
HIGH JUMP 5'10.00 Alex Garrett 2009
5'10.00 Jaxon Worthen 2012
LONG JUMP 19'09.00 Chris Jackson 2010
POLE VAULT @14'00.00 Zach Watson 2012
@14'00.00 Jake Zaugg 2012
TRIPLE JUMP 39'03.50 Chris Jackson 2010
SHOT PUT @54'05.75 Hunter Naisbitt 2011
WEIGHT THROW @57'07.75 Aaron Hill 2010
55m HURDLES 8.20 Chris Jackson 2010
60m HURDLES 8.68 Chris Jackson 2009
55m DASH 6.52 Tyrell Yardley 2010
60m DASH *@6.89 Tyrell Yardley 2010
200m DASH *@# 21.84 Tyrell Yardley 2009
400m DASH @49.65 Tyrell Yardley 2010
800m RUN # 1:58.43 Austin Costley 2010
1600m RUN # 4:28.25 Austin Costley 2010
@4:29.92 Brandon Yardley 2012
3200m RUN 10:00.44 Austin Costley 2010
4 x 200m RELAY @#1:34.17 Tanner Russell, Chris Brown, 2010
Tyler Siddoway, Dillon Cadwell
4 x 400m RELAY @#3:27.95 Mike Russell, Matt Dunston, 2012
Brandon Yardley, Jaxon Hansen
@3:28.24 Jaxon Hansen, Mike Russell, 2012
Matt Dunston, Brandon Yardley
4 x 800m RELAY #8:23.98 Tom Hill, Mike Russell, 2012
Jaxon Hansen, Brandon Yardley
4 x 1 Lap RELAY (BYU) 2:53.0 Anthony Winegar, Alex Garrett, 2009
Chris Smith, Chris Jackson
MEDLEY RELAY *@3:34.41 Tyler Siddoway, Chris Brown, 2010
Chris Jackson, Austin Costley
# Mark set on Oversized Track
@ Mark is on Utah All-Time Indoor List
* All-Time Utah Indoor Record
SHOT PUT @38'04.50 Jessica Pauni 2010
WEIGHT THROW 37'02.00 Jessica Pauni 2010
HIGH JUMP 4'08.00 Jaycie Smith 2012
4'08.00 Jordan Anderson 2012
LONG JUMP 15'09.00 Ali Morris 2011
TRIPLE JUMP @30'04.50 Ali Morris 2011
55m HURDLES 9.05 Sasha Russell 2010
60m HURDLES @9.49 Sasha Russell 2010
55m DASH @7.59 Mayra Franco 2011
60m DASH @8.01 Mayra Franco 2011
200m DASH #26.86 Mayra Franco 2011
400m DASH 59.15 Lindsey McFarland 2010
800m RUN 2:24.61 Hannah Williams 2009
1600m RUN 5:12.56 Hannah Williams 2010
3200m RUN #11:49.24 Hannah Williams 2010
4 x 200m RELAY @1:51.86 Sasha Russell, Shelby Cadwell 2010
Kelsey Westbroek, Lindsey McFarland
4 x 400m RELAY @4:17.93 Lindsey McFarland, Shelby Cadwell, 2009
Hannah Williams, McKayla Williams
4 x 800m RELAY 10:29.68 Katrina Dunlap, Mallory Ashby, 2012
Erin Kibler, Cheyna Field
4 x 1 Lap RELAY (BYU) 3:25.9 Lindsey McFarland, Hilary Peterson, 2009
Kelsey Westbroek, Sasha Russell
MEDLEY RELAY @4:24.81 Lindsey McFarland, Shelby Cadwell 2010
Sasha Russell, Hannah Williams
# Mark set on Oversized Track
@ Mark is on Utah All-Time Indoor List
Boys Indoor Track Records
HIGH JUMP 5'10.00 Alex Garrett 2009
5'10.00 Jaxon Worthen 2012
LONG JUMP 19'09.00 Chris Jackson 2010
POLE VAULT @14'00.00 Zach Watson 2012
@14'00.00 Jake Zaugg 2012
TRIPLE JUMP 39'03.50 Chris Jackson 2010
SHOT PUT @54'05.75 Hunter Naisbitt 2011
WEIGHT THROW @57'07.75 Aaron Hill 2010
55m HURDLES 8.20 Chris Jackson 2010
60m HURDLES 8.68 Chris Jackson 2009
55m DASH 6.52 Tyrell Yardley 2010
60m DASH *@6.89 Tyrell Yardley 2010
200m DASH *@# 21.84 Tyrell Yardley 2009
400m DASH @49.65 Tyrell Yardley 2010
800m RUN # 1:58.43 Austin Costley 2010
1600m RUN # 4:28.25 Austin Costley 2010
@4:29.92 Brandon Yardley 2012
3200m RUN 10:00.44 Austin Costley 2010
4 x 200m RELAY @#1:34.17 Tanner Russell, Chris Brown, 2010
Tyler Siddoway, Dillon Cadwell
4 x 400m RELAY @#3:27.95 Mike Russell, Matt Dunston, 2012
Brandon Yardley, Jaxon Hansen
@3:28.24 Jaxon Hansen, Mike Russell, 2012
Matt Dunston, Brandon Yardley
4 x 800m RELAY #8:23.98 Tom Hill, Mike Russell, 2012
Jaxon Hansen, Brandon Yardley
4 x 1 Lap RELAY (BYU) 2:53.0 Anthony Winegar, Alex Garrett, 2009
Chris Smith, Chris Jackson
MEDLEY RELAY *@3:34.41 Tyler Siddoway, Chris Brown, 2010
Chris Jackson, Austin Costley
# Mark set on Oversized Track
@ Mark is on Utah All-Time Indoor List
* All-Time Utah Indoor Record
Girls Indoor All-Time Top Five List
38'04.50 Jessica Pauni ‘10
32'11.00 Mary Pauni ‘10
25'03.00 Shae Stoddard ‘10
23'02.75 Alexis Bigelow ‘09
22'06.00 Emily Henriod ‘08
37'02.00 Jessica Pauni ‘10
31'03.00 Mary Pauni ‘10
23'10.50 Shae Stoddard ‘10
4'08.00 Jordan Anderson ‘12
4'08.00 Jaycie Smith ‘12
4'06.00 Katrina Dunlop ‘12
4'06.00 Rachelle Holden ‘10
4'04.00 Andrea Thomas ‘11
15'09.00 Ali Morris ‘11
15'04.00 Mayra Franco ‘11
13'11.00 Rachelle Holden ‘10
12'10.75 Katrina Dunlap ‘12
12'06.50 Jaycie Smith ‘12
30'04.50 Ali Morris ‘11
25'03.00 Kelsey Westbroek ‘09
24'01.00 Claudia Lopez ‘12
9.05 Sasha Russell ‘10
9.23 Ali Morris ‘11
10.28 Shelby Cadwell ‘10
10.30 Jaydin Hurst ‘12
10.31 Kenzie Long ‘12
9.49 Sasha Russell ‘10
9.99 Ali Morris ‘11
10.70 Jaydin Hurst ‘12
10.76 McKayla Williams ‘09
10.94 Sam Fleming ‘09
55m DASH
7.59 Mayra Franco ‘11
7.81 Sasha Russell ‘10
7.91 Lindsey McFarland ‘09
7.94 Kelsey Westbroek ‘09
8.28 Shelby Cadwell ‘11
60m DASH
8.01 Mayra Franco ‘11
8.43 Lindsey McFarland ‘09
8.61 Kelsey Westbroek ‘10
8.66 Sasha Russell ‘08
8.64 Jaydin Hurst ‘12
200m DASH
26.86* Mayra Franco ‘11
26.95* Sasha Russell ‘10
27.27* Lindsey McFarland ‘11
27.92 Lindsey McFarland ‘11
28.56* Shelby Cadwell ‘09
28.74* Kelsey Westbroek ‘10
28.79 Ali Morris ‘11
400m DASH
59.14* Lindsey McFarland ‘10
1:01.57 McKayla Williams ‘09
1:03.34 Hilary Peterson ‘09
1:04.0r* Katrina Dunlap ‘12
1:04.33 Lindsey Bailey ‘12
1:04.94* Katrina Dunlap ‘12
1:04.9r Hannah Williams ‘10
1:05.1r Shelby Cadwell ‘09
1:05.60 Sasha Russell ‘08
1:06.62 Shelby Cadwell ‘11
800m RUN
2:23.3r Hannah Williams ‘10
2:24.61 Hannah Williams ‘09
2:25.96 Taylee Hamblin ‘10
2:32.69 McKayla Williams ‘08
2:32.46* Cheyna Field ‘12
2:32.83* Katrina Dunlap ‘12
2:33.46* Erin Kibler ‘12
2:33.56* Lindsey McFarland ‘11
2:34.47* Hilary Peterson ‘10
2:35.45* Sharlie Dimick ‘11
1600m RUN
5:12.54 Hannah Williams ‘10
5:48.2 Sharlie Dimick ‘11
5:50.34 Cheyna Field ‘12
5:52.56 Mikelann Wilcox ‘09
5:53.31* Kiana Tebbs ‘10
6:07.30* Daylyn Johnston ‘11
3200m RUN
11:52.14 Hannah Williams ‘10
12:21.56* Sharlie Dimick ‘11
12:49.94 Taylee Hamblin ‘10
13:16.59 Erin Kibler ‘12
13:53.37 Kiana Tebbs ‘10
* = Oversized Track Time
r = Relay Split
38'04.50 Jessica Pauni ‘10
32'11.00 Mary Pauni ‘10
25'03.00 Shae Stoddard ‘10
23'02.75 Alexis Bigelow ‘09
22'06.00 Emily Henriod ‘08
37'02.00 Jessica Pauni ‘10
31'03.00 Mary Pauni ‘10
23'10.50 Shae Stoddard ‘10
4'08.00 Jordan Anderson ‘12
4'08.00 Jaycie Smith ‘12
4'06.00 Katrina Dunlop ‘12
4'06.00 Rachelle Holden ‘10
4'04.00 Andrea Thomas ‘11
15'09.00 Ali Morris ‘11
15'04.00 Mayra Franco ‘11
13'11.00 Rachelle Holden ‘10
12'10.75 Katrina Dunlap ‘12
12'06.50 Jaycie Smith ‘12
30'04.50 Ali Morris ‘11
25'03.00 Kelsey Westbroek ‘09
24'01.00 Claudia Lopez ‘12
9.05 Sasha Russell ‘10
9.23 Ali Morris ‘11
10.28 Shelby Cadwell ‘10
10.30 Jaydin Hurst ‘12
10.31 Kenzie Long ‘12
9.49 Sasha Russell ‘10
9.99 Ali Morris ‘11
10.70 Jaydin Hurst ‘12
10.76 McKayla Williams ‘09
10.94 Sam Fleming ‘09
55m DASH
7.59 Mayra Franco ‘11
7.81 Sasha Russell ‘10
7.91 Lindsey McFarland ‘09
7.94 Kelsey Westbroek ‘09
8.28 Shelby Cadwell ‘11
60m DASH
8.01 Mayra Franco ‘11
8.43 Lindsey McFarland ‘09
8.61 Kelsey Westbroek ‘10
8.66 Sasha Russell ‘08
8.64 Jaydin Hurst ‘12
200m DASH
26.86* Mayra Franco ‘11
26.95* Sasha Russell ‘10
27.27* Lindsey McFarland ‘11
27.92 Lindsey McFarland ‘11
28.56* Shelby Cadwell ‘09
28.74* Kelsey Westbroek ‘10
28.79 Ali Morris ‘11
400m DASH
59.14* Lindsey McFarland ‘10
1:01.57 McKayla Williams ‘09
1:03.34 Hilary Peterson ‘09
1:04.0r* Katrina Dunlap ‘12
1:04.33 Lindsey Bailey ‘12
1:04.94* Katrina Dunlap ‘12
1:04.9r Hannah Williams ‘10
1:05.1r Shelby Cadwell ‘09
1:05.60 Sasha Russell ‘08
1:06.62 Shelby Cadwell ‘11
800m RUN
2:23.3r Hannah Williams ‘10
2:24.61 Hannah Williams ‘09
2:25.96 Taylee Hamblin ‘10
2:32.69 McKayla Williams ‘08
2:32.46* Cheyna Field ‘12
2:32.83* Katrina Dunlap ‘12
2:33.46* Erin Kibler ‘12
2:33.56* Lindsey McFarland ‘11
2:34.47* Hilary Peterson ‘10
2:35.45* Sharlie Dimick ‘11
1600m RUN
5:12.54 Hannah Williams ‘10
5:48.2 Sharlie Dimick ‘11
5:50.34 Cheyna Field ‘12
5:52.56 Mikelann Wilcox ‘09
5:53.31* Kiana Tebbs ‘10
6:07.30* Daylyn Johnston ‘11
3200m RUN
11:52.14 Hannah Williams ‘10
12:21.56* Sharlie Dimick ‘11
12:49.94 Taylee Hamblin ‘10
13:16.59 Erin Kibler ‘12
13:53.37 Kiana Tebbs ‘10
* = Oversized Track Time
r = Relay Split
Boys Indoor All-Time Top Five List
54'05.75 Hunter Naisbitt ‘11
48'06.50 Spencer Hull ‘12
47'06.00 Aaron Hill ‘10
41'06.50 Kavika Fonua ‘12
39'09.00 Jarom Hansen ‘12
57'07.75 Aaron Hill ‘10
48'06.25 Kuyler Thompson ‘10
48'06.25 Hunter Naisbitt ‘10
39'07.00 Derek Gann ‘10
37'11.00 Spencer Hull ‘12
5'10.00 Jaxon Worthen ‘12
5'10.00 Alex Garrett ‘09
5'08.00 Tanner Burton ‘09
5'06.00 Stefan Kurzius ‘12
5'06.00 Kavika Fonua ‘12
5'06.00 Jamison Nielson ‘11
5'06.00 Mitch Hansen ‘09
19'09.00 Chris Jackson ‘10
18'07.00 Tanner Russell ‘10
18'01.00 Mike Russell’12
17'05.25 Ryan Palmer ‘08
17'05.00 Myles Petersen ‘11
39'03.50 Chris Jackson ‘10
38'00.00 Tanner Russell ‘10
37'11.50 Jamison Nielson ‘11
37'03.00 Myles Petersen ‘11
14'00.00 Zach Watson ‘12
14'00.00 Jake Zaugg ‘12
10'06.00 Kyle Arigot ‘12
9'06.00 Will Haddick ‘12
8.20 Chris Jackson ‘10
8.56 Shane Russell ‘11
8.75 Jaxon Worthen ‘12
8.75 Jamison Nielson ‘10
9.69 Tyrell Yardley ‘08
8.68 Chris Jackson ‘09
8.87 Jamison Nielson ‘11
8.93 Anthony Winegar ‘09
9.10 Shane Russell ‘11
9.19 Jaxon Worthen ‘12
55m DASH
6.52 Tyrell Yardley ‘10
6.76 Kavika Fonua ‘12
6.87 Anthony Winegar ‘08
6.93 Chris Brown ‘11
6.99 Chris Smith ‘09
60m DASH
6.89 Tyrell Yardley ‘10
7.17 Kavika Fonua ‘12
7.29 Anthony Winegar ‘08
7.32 Alex Vanderloo ‘12
7.34 Chris Brown ‘11
200m DASH
21.84* Tyrell Yardley ‘09
23.41* Anthony Winegar ‘09
23.59* Chris Brown ‘11
23.86* Chris Jackson ‘09
24.06* Alex Vanderloo ‘12
24.30* Kavika Fonua ‘12
24.44* Will Haddick ‘12
24.48* Cameron Dower ‘12
400m DASH
49.65 Tyrell Yardley ‘10
50.5r Tyler Siddoway ‘10
50.8r* Brandon Yardley ‘12
51.5r* Jaxon Hansen ‘12
51.89* Chris Brown ‘11
51.9r* Matt Dunston ‘12
51.9r Preston Williams ‘11
52.0r Chris Jackson ‘09
52.18* Brandon Yardley ‘12
52.3r Austin Costley ‘10
52.35* Matt Dunston ‘12
52.4r Jake Rossmango ‘10
53.1r* Mike Russell ‘12
53.80 Austin Costley ‘09
54.07 Chris Jackson ‘08
800m RUN
1:56.6r Austin Costley ‘10
1:57.4r Brandon Yardley ‘12
1:58.43 Austin Costley ‘10
2:00.11* Preston Williams ‘11
2:00.3r Jake Rossmango ‘10
2:00.90* Brandon Yardley ‘12
2:01.33 Jaxon Hansen ‘12
2:02.59 Preston Williams ‘11
2:04.9r Landon Greenhalgh ‘12
2:06.0r* Mike Russell ‘11
1600m RUN
4:28.25* Austin Costley ‘10
4:29.92 Brandon Yardley ‘12
4:30.29 Jake Rossmango ‘10
4:34.32* Jaxon Hansen ‘12
4:37.74 Brandon Yardley ‘12
4:39.83 Jaxon Hansen ‘11
4:41.44* Landon Greenhalgh ‘12
4:43.58* Mike Russell ‘12
3200m RUN
10:00.44 Austin Costley ‘10
10:09.34 Jake Rossmango ‘10
10:28.60* Brandon Yardley ‘11
10:33.01 Jaxon Hansen ‘11
10:38.76* Cody Kelley ‘12
10:41.74 Landon Greenhalgh ‘12
10:42.17 Tom Hill ‘12
10:43.76* Frank Owens ‘12
10:46.32 Preston Williams ‘11
10:52.83 Mike Russell ‘11
* = Oversized Track Time
r = Relay Split
54'05.75 Hunter Naisbitt ‘11
48'06.50 Spencer Hull ‘12
47'06.00 Aaron Hill ‘10
41'06.50 Kavika Fonua ‘12
39'09.00 Jarom Hansen ‘12
57'07.75 Aaron Hill ‘10
48'06.25 Kuyler Thompson ‘10
48'06.25 Hunter Naisbitt ‘10
39'07.00 Derek Gann ‘10
37'11.00 Spencer Hull ‘12
5'10.00 Jaxon Worthen ‘12
5'10.00 Alex Garrett ‘09
5'08.00 Tanner Burton ‘09
5'06.00 Stefan Kurzius ‘12
5'06.00 Kavika Fonua ‘12
5'06.00 Jamison Nielson ‘11
5'06.00 Mitch Hansen ‘09
19'09.00 Chris Jackson ‘10
18'07.00 Tanner Russell ‘10
18'01.00 Mike Russell’12
17'05.25 Ryan Palmer ‘08
17'05.00 Myles Petersen ‘11
39'03.50 Chris Jackson ‘10
38'00.00 Tanner Russell ‘10
37'11.50 Jamison Nielson ‘11
37'03.00 Myles Petersen ‘11
14'00.00 Zach Watson ‘12
14'00.00 Jake Zaugg ‘12
10'06.00 Kyle Arigot ‘12
9'06.00 Will Haddick ‘12
8.20 Chris Jackson ‘10
8.56 Shane Russell ‘11
8.75 Jaxon Worthen ‘12
8.75 Jamison Nielson ‘10
9.69 Tyrell Yardley ‘08
8.68 Chris Jackson ‘09
8.87 Jamison Nielson ‘11
8.93 Anthony Winegar ‘09
9.10 Shane Russell ‘11
9.19 Jaxon Worthen ‘12
55m DASH
6.52 Tyrell Yardley ‘10
6.76 Kavika Fonua ‘12
6.87 Anthony Winegar ‘08
6.93 Chris Brown ‘11
6.99 Chris Smith ‘09
60m DASH
6.89 Tyrell Yardley ‘10
7.17 Kavika Fonua ‘12
7.29 Anthony Winegar ‘08
7.32 Alex Vanderloo ‘12
7.34 Chris Brown ‘11
200m DASH
21.84* Tyrell Yardley ‘09
23.41* Anthony Winegar ‘09
23.59* Chris Brown ‘11
23.86* Chris Jackson ‘09
24.06* Alex Vanderloo ‘12
24.30* Kavika Fonua ‘12
24.44* Will Haddick ‘12
24.48* Cameron Dower ‘12
400m DASH
49.65 Tyrell Yardley ‘10
50.5r Tyler Siddoway ‘10
50.8r* Brandon Yardley ‘12
51.5r* Jaxon Hansen ‘12
51.89* Chris Brown ‘11
51.9r* Matt Dunston ‘12
51.9r Preston Williams ‘11
52.0r Chris Jackson ‘09
52.18* Brandon Yardley ‘12
52.3r Austin Costley ‘10
52.35* Matt Dunston ‘12
52.4r Jake Rossmango ‘10
53.1r* Mike Russell ‘12
53.80 Austin Costley ‘09
54.07 Chris Jackson ‘08
800m RUN
1:56.6r Austin Costley ‘10
1:57.4r Brandon Yardley ‘12
1:58.43 Austin Costley ‘10
2:00.11* Preston Williams ‘11
2:00.3r Jake Rossmango ‘10
2:00.90* Brandon Yardley ‘12
2:01.33 Jaxon Hansen ‘12
2:02.59 Preston Williams ‘11
2:04.9r Landon Greenhalgh ‘12
2:06.0r* Mike Russell ‘11
1600m RUN
4:28.25* Austin Costley ‘10
4:29.92 Brandon Yardley ‘12
4:30.29 Jake Rossmango ‘10
4:34.32* Jaxon Hansen ‘12
4:37.74 Brandon Yardley ‘12
4:39.83 Jaxon Hansen ‘11
4:41.44* Landon Greenhalgh ‘12
4:43.58* Mike Russell ‘12
3200m RUN
10:00.44 Austin Costley ‘10
10:09.34 Jake Rossmango ‘10
10:28.60* Brandon Yardley ‘11
10:33.01 Jaxon Hansen ‘11
10:38.76* Cody Kelley ‘12
10:41.74 Landon Greenhalgh ‘12
10:42.17 Tom Hill ‘12
10:43.76* Frank Owens ‘12
10:46.32 Preston Williams ‘11
10:52.83 Mike Russell ‘11
* = Oversized Track Time
r = Relay Split
GIRLS Indoor Track Performance List - 2012
4'08.00 SR Jaycie Smith 01/14
4'08.00 SR Jordan Anderson 01/21
4'06.00 #3 Katrina Dunlap 01/14
4'02.00 Lauren Busby 01/14
12'10.75 #4 Katrina Dunlap 01/14
12'06.50 #5 Jaycie Smith 01/14
24'01.00 Claudia Lopez Cascon 02/04
10.30 #4 Jaydin Hurst 01/21
10.31 #5 Kenzie Long 01/21
11.03 Ashley Rodriguez 01/21
11.37 Lauren Busby 01/21
10.70 #3 Jaydin Hurst 01/14
10.96 #5 Kenzie Long 02/17
11.41 Lauren Garrett 01/14
11.63 Ashley Rodriguez 02/17
12.18 Lauren Busby 02/17
55m DASH
8.32 Jaydin Hurst 01/21
8.45 Lindsey Bailey 01/21
8.72 Lauren Busby 01/21
8.80 Ashley Rodriguez 01/21
60m DASH
8.64 #5 Jaydin Hurst 01/14
8.92 Sam Segura 02/04
9.01 Katrina Dunlap 01/14
9.02 Shelby Cadwell 01/14
9.05 Sam Segura 01/14
9.10 Jordan Anderson 01/14
9.15 Krystal Hassard 02/04
9.23 Cheyna Field 01/14
9.33 Ashley Rodriquez 02/04
9.38 Lauren Busby 01/14
9.48 Lauren Garrett 01/14
9.60 Rachel Harward 01/14
9.91 Michelle Thurgood 02/04
10.25 Claudia Lopez 01/14
200m DASH
28.3r Jaydin Hurst 02/17
28.6r Lindsey Bailey 02/17
29.26* Shelby Cadwell 02/04
29.49* Sam Segura 02/04
29.6r Ali Morris 02/17
29.6r Jordan Anderson 02/17
30.12* Krystal Hassard 02/04
30.40 Sam Segura 02/17
30.54 Jordan Anderson 02/17
30.6r Ashley Rodriguez 02/17
31.1r Kenzie Long 02/17
31.26* Ashley Rodriguez 02/04
32.5r Haley Wilcox 02/17
34.45* Michelle Thurgood 02/04
34.61 Rachel Harward 01/21
33.95 Claudia Lopez 02/17
400m DASH
1:04.0r* Katrina Dunlap 02/04
1:04.33 #4 Lindsey Bailey 02/17
1:04.94* #5 Katrina Dunlap 01/26
1:06.6r* Shelby Cadwell 02/04
1:07.61* Shelby Cadwell 01/26
1:07.7r* Mallory Ashby 02/04
1:08.9 Cheyna Field 01/14
1:11.46* Lauren Busby 01/26
1:12.7r Haley Wilcox 02/17
1:12.99 Adriana McFarland 01/21
1:13.29 Haley Wilcox 01/21
1:16.43* Jaycie Smith 01/26
1:17.95 Claudia Lopez 01/21
1:22.0r Rachel Harward 01/21
800m RUN
2:32.46*#4 Cheyna Field 02/04
2:32.83*#5 Katrina Dunlap 02/04
2:32.9r Katrina Dunlap02/18
2:33.2r Erin Kibler 02/18
2:33.46* Erin Kibler 02/04
2:34.79 Katrina Dunlap 02/17
2:43.1r Mallory Ashby 02/18
2:48.42* Adriana McFarland 01/26
2:48.94 Mallory Ashby 02/17
2:50.87* Adriana McFarland 02/04
2:54.0r Katelyn Davidson 02/17
2:55.18* Katelyn Davidson 02/04
2:58.5r Haley Wilcox 01/21
2:58.77 Maddy Neyts 02/17
3:02.1 Haley Wilcox 01/14
3:05.0r Shelby Cadwell 01/21
1600m RUN
5:38.97 Coach Busby 02/18
5:50.34* #3 Cheyna Field 01/26
5:51.93 %2 Sharlie Dimick 01/14
6:40.02* Katelyn Davidson 01/26
6:46.62 Katelyn Davidson 01/14
7:04.40 Maddy Neyts 01/14
3200m RUN
12:50.81 #4 Erin Kibler 02/16
14:22.03 Katelyn Davidson 02/16
14:59.65 Adriana McFarland 01/21
15:33.28* Maddy Neyts 02/04
4x200m RELAY
1:57.47 Jaydin Hurst, Lindsey Bailey, Sam Segura, Ali Morris 02/17
1:57.80* Jaydin Hurst, Sam Segura, Shelby Cadwell, Jordan Anderson 02/04
2:06.1 Ashley Rodriguez, Jayden Hurst, Lauren Garrett, Jordan Anderson 01/14
2:06.52 Lauren Busby, Kenzie Long, Ashley Rodriguez, Haley Wilcox 02/17
2:17.3 Lauren Busby, Michelle Thurgood, Claudia Lopez Cascon, Rachel Harward 01/14
4x400m RELAY
4:24.12* Katrina Dunlap, Shelby Cadwell, Mallory Ashby, Lindsey Bailey 02/04
4:52.20 Katrina Dunlap, Rachel Harward, Lauren Busby, Lindsey Bailey 01/21
4:57.32 Shelby Cadwell, Sam Segura, Mallory Ashby, Sharlie Dimick 01/14
4x800m RELAY
10:29.68* SR Katrina Dunlap, Erin Kibler, Mallory Ashby, Cheyna Field 02/04
10:45.91 Katrina Dunlap,Erin Kibler, Mallory Ashby, Katelyn Davidson 02/18
11:51.74 Mallory Ashby, Erin Kibler, Haley Wilcox, Shelby Cadwell 01/21
4:38.82 Katrina Dunlap, Lindsey Bailey, Jaydin Hurst, Erin Kibler 02/17
5:09.77 Haley Wilcox, Jordan Anderson, Sam Segura, Mallory Ashby 02/17
r = relay split
c = converted from yards to meters
* = mark from oversized track
SR = School Record
# = place on Titan All-Time List
% = on All-Time List from previous year
4'08.00 SR Jaycie Smith 01/14
4'08.00 SR Jordan Anderson 01/21
4'06.00 #3 Katrina Dunlap 01/14
4'02.00 Lauren Busby 01/14
12'10.75 #4 Katrina Dunlap 01/14
12'06.50 #5 Jaycie Smith 01/14
24'01.00 Claudia Lopez Cascon 02/04
10.30 #4 Jaydin Hurst 01/21
10.31 #5 Kenzie Long 01/21
11.03 Ashley Rodriguez 01/21
11.37 Lauren Busby 01/21
10.70 #3 Jaydin Hurst 01/14
10.96 #5 Kenzie Long 02/17
11.41 Lauren Garrett 01/14
11.63 Ashley Rodriguez 02/17
12.18 Lauren Busby 02/17
55m DASH
8.32 Jaydin Hurst 01/21
8.45 Lindsey Bailey 01/21
8.72 Lauren Busby 01/21
8.80 Ashley Rodriguez 01/21
60m DASH
8.64 #5 Jaydin Hurst 01/14
8.92 Sam Segura 02/04
9.01 Katrina Dunlap 01/14
9.02 Shelby Cadwell 01/14
9.05 Sam Segura 01/14
9.10 Jordan Anderson 01/14
9.15 Krystal Hassard 02/04
9.23 Cheyna Field 01/14
9.33 Ashley Rodriquez 02/04
9.38 Lauren Busby 01/14
9.48 Lauren Garrett 01/14
9.60 Rachel Harward 01/14
9.91 Michelle Thurgood 02/04
10.25 Claudia Lopez 01/14
200m DASH
28.3r Jaydin Hurst 02/17
28.6r Lindsey Bailey 02/17
29.26* Shelby Cadwell 02/04
29.49* Sam Segura 02/04
29.6r Ali Morris 02/17
29.6r Jordan Anderson 02/17
30.12* Krystal Hassard 02/04
30.40 Sam Segura 02/17
30.54 Jordan Anderson 02/17
30.6r Ashley Rodriguez 02/17
31.1r Kenzie Long 02/17
31.26* Ashley Rodriguez 02/04
32.5r Haley Wilcox 02/17
34.45* Michelle Thurgood 02/04
34.61 Rachel Harward 01/21
33.95 Claudia Lopez 02/17
400m DASH
1:04.0r* Katrina Dunlap 02/04
1:04.33 #4 Lindsey Bailey 02/17
1:04.94* #5 Katrina Dunlap 01/26
1:06.6r* Shelby Cadwell 02/04
1:07.61* Shelby Cadwell 01/26
1:07.7r* Mallory Ashby 02/04
1:08.9 Cheyna Field 01/14
1:11.46* Lauren Busby 01/26
1:12.7r Haley Wilcox 02/17
1:12.99 Adriana McFarland 01/21
1:13.29 Haley Wilcox 01/21
1:16.43* Jaycie Smith 01/26
1:17.95 Claudia Lopez 01/21
1:22.0r Rachel Harward 01/21
800m RUN
2:32.46*#4 Cheyna Field 02/04
2:32.83*#5 Katrina Dunlap 02/04
2:32.9r Katrina Dunlap02/18
2:33.2r Erin Kibler 02/18
2:33.46* Erin Kibler 02/04
2:34.79 Katrina Dunlap 02/17
2:43.1r Mallory Ashby 02/18
2:48.42* Adriana McFarland 01/26
2:48.94 Mallory Ashby 02/17
2:50.87* Adriana McFarland 02/04
2:54.0r Katelyn Davidson 02/17
2:55.18* Katelyn Davidson 02/04
2:58.5r Haley Wilcox 01/21
2:58.77 Maddy Neyts 02/17
3:02.1 Haley Wilcox 01/14
3:05.0r Shelby Cadwell 01/21
1600m RUN
5:38.97 Coach Busby 02/18
5:50.34* #3 Cheyna Field 01/26
5:51.93 %2 Sharlie Dimick 01/14
6:40.02* Katelyn Davidson 01/26
6:46.62 Katelyn Davidson 01/14
7:04.40 Maddy Neyts 01/14
3200m RUN
12:50.81 #4 Erin Kibler 02/16
14:22.03 Katelyn Davidson 02/16
14:59.65 Adriana McFarland 01/21
15:33.28* Maddy Neyts 02/04
4x200m RELAY
1:57.47 Jaydin Hurst, Lindsey Bailey, Sam Segura, Ali Morris 02/17
1:57.80* Jaydin Hurst, Sam Segura, Shelby Cadwell, Jordan Anderson 02/04
2:06.1 Ashley Rodriguez, Jayden Hurst, Lauren Garrett, Jordan Anderson 01/14
2:06.52 Lauren Busby, Kenzie Long, Ashley Rodriguez, Haley Wilcox 02/17
2:17.3 Lauren Busby, Michelle Thurgood, Claudia Lopez Cascon, Rachel Harward 01/14
4x400m RELAY
4:24.12* Katrina Dunlap, Shelby Cadwell, Mallory Ashby, Lindsey Bailey 02/04
4:52.20 Katrina Dunlap, Rachel Harward, Lauren Busby, Lindsey Bailey 01/21
4:57.32 Shelby Cadwell, Sam Segura, Mallory Ashby, Sharlie Dimick 01/14
4x800m RELAY
10:29.68* SR Katrina Dunlap, Erin Kibler, Mallory Ashby, Cheyna Field 02/04
10:45.91 Katrina Dunlap,Erin Kibler, Mallory Ashby, Katelyn Davidson 02/18
11:51.74 Mallory Ashby, Erin Kibler, Haley Wilcox, Shelby Cadwell 01/21
4:38.82 Katrina Dunlap, Lindsey Bailey, Jaydin Hurst, Erin Kibler 02/17
5:09.77 Haley Wilcox, Jordan Anderson, Sam Segura, Mallory Ashby 02/17
r = relay split
c = converted from yards to meters
* = mark from oversized track
SR = School Record
# = place on Titan All-Time List
% = on All-Time List from previous year
BOYS Indoor Track Performance List - 2012
48'06.50 #2 Spencer Hull 01/21
41'06.50 #4 Kavika Fonua 01/14
39'09.00 #5 Jarom Hansen 01/21
39'05.00 Steven Carter 01/21
36'08.50 Brad Sherman 01/21
35'06.50 Mason Woodward 01/14
37'11.00 #5 Spencer Hull 02/17
5'10.00 SR Jaxon Worthen 01/21
5'06.00 #4 Kavika Fonua 01/14
5'02.00 Matt Dunston 01/14
18'01.00 #3 Mike Russell 01/21
14'00.00 SR Zach Watson 02/18
14'00.00 SR Jake Zaugg 02/18
10'06.00 #3 Kyle Arigot 01/21
9'06 #4 Will Haddick 02/04
8.75 #3 Jaxon Worthen 01/21
10.01 Ashton Bigelow 01/21
9.19 #5 Jaxon Worthen 01/14
9.29 Ashton Bigelow 01/14
9.37 Stefan Kurzius 02/17
55m DASH
6.76 #2 Kavika Fonua 01/21
7.09 Matt Dunston 01/21
7.27 Mason Woodward 01/21
7.36 Cameron Dower 01/21
7.53 Brayden Ryan 01/21
7.73 Austin Van Voris 01/21
60m DASH
7.17 #2 Kavika Fonua 01/14
7.32 #4 Alex Vanderloo 01/14
7.50 Matt Dunston 01/14
7.69 Mason Woodward 01/14
7.77 Ashton Bigelow 01/14
7.91 Cameron Dower 01/14
8.09 Brayden Ryan 01/14
8.77 Garrett Cadwell 01/14
200m DASH
23.8r Kavika Fonua 02/18
23.8r Matt Dunston 02/18
23.8r Alex Vanderloo 01/14
24.06* #5 Alex Vanderloo 02/04
24.20* Kavika Fonua 02/04
24.4r Zach Watson 02/17
24.44* Will Haddick 02/04
24.48* Cameron Dower 02/04
24.70 Matt Dunston 02/17
24.7r Jake Zaugg 02/17
24.8r Zach Watson 01/14
25.6r Shane Russell 02/17
25.7r Ashton Bigelow 01/14
25.78* Brayden Ryan 02/04
26.14* Stefan Kurzius 02/04
26.30 Ashton Bigelow 01/21
26.55 Brayden Ryan 02/17
26.96 Jordan Bush 01/21
26.97 Austin VanVoris 01/21
27.68* Garrett Cadwell 02/04
400m DASH
50.8r* Brandon Yardley 02/18
51.5r* Jaxon Hansen 02/04
51.6r Matt Dunston 02/18
52.18* #3 Brandon Yardley 01/26
52.35* #4 Matt Dunston 02/04
53.1r* Mike Russell 02/04
54.91* Will Haddick 02/04
53.6r Jaxon Hansen 01/21
54.12 Zach Watson 01/21
55.87* Cameron Dower 01/26
55.90 Matt Dunston 01/14
56.3r Landon Greenhalgh 01/21
59.98* Brayden Ryan 02/04
1:00.8r* Garrett Cadwell 02/04
1:01.97 Mason Woodward 01/21
1:02.01* Garrett Cadwell 02/04
1:02.3r Austin VanVoris 01/21
1:03.2 Alex Bassett 01/21
1:04.0r Cody Kelley 01/14
1:04.9r Nick Merriman 01/21
800m RUN
1:57.4r Brandon Yardley 02/18
2:00.90* #3 Brandon Yardley 02/04
2:01.33 #4 Jaxon Hansen 01/14
2:04.9r Landon Greenhalgh 02/18
2:08.5r* Mike Russell 02/04
2:09.9r Cody Kelley 02/18
2:11.5r* Tom Hill 02/04
2:25.5r Frank Owens 01/21
2:29.9r Brayden Ryan 02/18
2:31.5r Nathan Seffker 01/21
2:32.5r Jeff Reed 01/21
2:32.13 Alex Bassett 01/14
2:40.5r Jared Godfrey 01/21
2:49.61 Brady Blackley 01/14
2:53.5r Josh Heilson 01/21
2:55.5r Zach Griffin 01/21
1600m RUN
4:29.92 #3 Brandon Yardley 02/16
4:34.32* #4 Jaxon Hansen 01/26
4:37.6 Brandon Yardley 01/14
4:41.44 #5 Landon Greenhalgh 02/16
4:43.58* #6 Mike Russell 01/26
4:53.20* Tom Hill 02/04
4:53.85* Cody Kelley 02/04
4:53.9 Landon Greenhalgh 01/14
4:54.92 Cody Kelley 02/16
4:59.19* Jeff Michel 01/26
5:02.70* Frank Owens 02/04
5:15.86 Coach Wilcox 02/18
5:26.75* Nathan Seffker 01/26
5:31.95* Jeff Reed 01/26
5:34.33* Jared Godfrey 02/04
5:35.56 Alex Bassett 01/21
5:49.7 Caleb Saunders 01/14
5:52.92* Josh Heileson 02/04
5:58.88* Zach Griffin 01/26
6:01.00 Nicholas Merriman 02/16
6:03.97 Zach Griffin 01/21
6:10.17* Brady Blackley 01/26
3000m RUN
10:58.4 Jared Godfrey 01/14
3200m RUN
10:38.76* #5 Cody Kelley 02/04
10:41.09 %3 Brandon Yardley 01/21
10:41.74 Landon Greenhalgh 01/21
10:42.17* Tom Hill 02/04
10:43.76* Frank Owens 02/04
12:02.19 Jeff Reed 01/21
13:22.30 Nicholas Merriman 01/21
4x200m RELAY
1:40.05 Kavika Fonua, Shane Russell, Will Haddick, Cameron Dower 02/17
1:41.69 Ashton Bigelow, Brayden Ryan, Zach Watson, Alex Vanderloo 01/14
4x400m RELAY
3:27.95* SR Mike Russell, Matt Dunston, Brandon Yardley, Jaxon Hansen 02/04
3:28.24 Jaxon Hansen, Mike Russell, Matt Dunston, Brandon Yardley 02/18
3:39.40 Mike Russell, Landon Greenhalgh, Brandon Yardley, Jaxon Hansen 01/21
3:53.11* Garrett Cadwell, Brayden Ryan, Will Haddick, Cameron Dower 02/04
4:04.62 Brayden Ryan, Austin VanVoris, Alex Bassett, Zach Watson 01/21
4:20.14 Ashton Bigelow, Garrett Cadwell, Nick Merriman, Cameron Dower 01/21
3:56.80 Landon Greenhalgh, Cody Kelley, Brandon Yardley, Cameron Dower 01/14
4x800m RELAY
8:23.98* SR Tom Hill, Mike Russell, Brandon Yardley, Jaxon Hansen 02/04
8:59.37 Landon Greenhalgh, Tom Hill, Cody Kelley, Brayden Ryan 02/18
9:44.64 Tom Hill, Jeff Reed, Frank Owens, Cody Kelley 01/21
11:01.85 Nathan Seffker, Zach Griffin, Josh Heileson, Jared Godfrey 01/21
3:42.30 Will Haddick, Matt Dunston, Kavika Fonua, Brandon Yardley 02/18
3:45.85 Matt Dunston, Zach Watson, Kavika Fonua, Brandon Yardley 02/17
3:48.08 Mike Russell, Will Haddick, Jake Zaugg, Jaxon Hansen 02/17
3:57.81 Cameron Dower, Stefan Kursius, Brayden Ryan, Landon Greenhalgh 02/17
r = relay split
c = converted from yards to meters
* = mark from oversized track
SR = School Record
# = place on Titan All-Time List
% = on All-Time List from previous year
48'06.50 #2 Spencer Hull 01/21
41'06.50 #4 Kavika Fonua 01/14
39'09.00 #5 Jarom Hansen 01/21
39'05.00 Steven Carter 01/21
36'08.50 Brad Sherman 01/21
35'06.50 Mason Woodward 01/14
37'11.00 #5 Spencer Hull 02/17
5'10.00 SR Jaxon Worthen 01/21
5'06.00 #4 Kavika Fonua 01/14
5'02.00 Matt Dunston 01/14
18'01.00 #3 Mike Russell 01/21
14'00.00 SR Zach Watson 02/18
14'00.00 SR Jake Zaugg 02/18
10'06.00 #3 Kyle Arigot 01/21
9'06 #4 Will Haddick 02/04
8.75 #3 Jaxon Worthen 01/21
10.01 Ashton Bigelow 01/21
9.19 #5 Jaxon Worthen 01/14
9.29 Ashton Bigelow 01/14
9.37 Stefan Kurzius 02/17
55m DASH
6.76 #2 Kavika Fonua 01/21
7.09 Matt Dunston 01/21
7.27 Mason Woodward 01/21
7.36 Cameron Dower 01/21
7.53 Brayden Ryan 01/21
7.73 Austin Van Voris 01/21
60m DASH
7.17 #2 Kavika Fonua 01/14
7.32 #4 Alex Vanderloo 01/14
7.50 Matt Dunston 01/14
7.69 Mason Woodward 01/14
7.77 Ashton Bigelow 01/14
7.91 Cameron Dower 01/14
8.09 Brayden Ryan 01/14
8.77 Garrett Cadwell 01/14
200m DASH
23.8r Kavika Fonua 02/18
23.8r Matt Dunston 02/18
23.8r Alex Vanderloo 01/14
24.06* #5 Alex Vanderloo 02/04
24.20* Kavika Fonua 02/04
24.4r Zach Watson 02/17
24.44* Will Haddick 02/04
24.48* Cameron Dower 02/04
24.70 Matt Dunston 02/17
24.7r Jake Zaugg 02/17
24.8r Zach Watson 01/14
25.6r Shane Russell 02/17
25.7r Ashton Bigelow 01/14
25.78* Brayden Ryan 02/04
26.14* Stefan Kurzius 02/04
26.30 Ashton Bigelow 01/21
26.55 Brayden Ryan 02/17
26.96 Jordan Bush 01/21
26.97 Austin VanVoris 01/21
27.68* Garrett Cadwell 02/04
400m DASH
50.8r* Brandon Yardley 02/18
51.5r* Jaxon Hansen 02/04
51.6r Matt Dunston 02/18
52.18* #3 Brandon Yardley 01/26
52.35* #4 Matt Dunston 02/04
53.1r* Mike Russell 02/04
54.91* Will Haddick 02/04
53.6r Jaxon Hansen 01/21
54.12 Zach Watson 01/21
55.87* Cameron Dower 01/26
55.90 Matt Dunston 01/14
56.3r Landon Greenhalgh 01/21
59.98* Brayden Ryan 02/04
1:00.8r* Garrett Cadwell 02/04
1:01.97 Mason Woodward 01/21
1:02.01* Garrett Cadwell 02/04
1:02.3r Austin VanVoris 01/21
1:03.2 Alex Bassett 01/21
1:04.0r Cody Kelley 01/14
1:04.9r Nick Merriman 01/21
800m RUN
1:57.4r Brandon Yardley 02/18
2:00.90* #3 Brandon Yardley 02/04
2:01.33 #4 Jaxon Hansen 01/14
2:04.9r Landon Greenhalgh 02/18
2:08.5r* Mike Russell 02/04
2:09.9r Cody Kelley 02/18
2:11.5r* Tom Hill 02/04
2:25.5r Frank Owens 01/21
2:29.9r Brayden Ryan 02/18
2:31.5r Nathan Seffker 01/21
2:32.5r Jeff Reed 01/21
2:32.13 Alex Bassett 01/14
2:40.5r Jared Godfrey 01/21
2:49.61 Brady Blackley 01/14
2:53.5r Josh Heilson 01/21
2:55.5r Zach Griffin 01/21
1600m RUN
4:29.92 #3 Brandon Yardley 02/16
4:34.32* #4 Jaxon Hansen 01/26
4:37.6 Brandon Yardley 01/14
4:41.44 #5 Landon Greenhalgh 02/16
4:43.58* #6 Mike Russell 01/26
4:53.20* Tom Hill 02/04
4:53.85* Cody Kelley 02/04
4:53.9 Landon Greenhalgh 01/14
4:54.92 Cody Kelley 02/16
4:59.19* Jeff Michel 01/26
5:02.70* Frank Owens 02/04
5:15.86 Coach Wilcox 02/18
5:26.75* Nathan Seffker 01/26
5:31.95* Jeff Reed 01/26
5:34.33* Jared Godfrey 02/04
5:35.56 Alex Bassett 01/21
5:49.7 Caleb Saunders 01/14
5:52.92* Josh Heileson 02/04
5:58.88* Zach Griffin 01/26
6:01.00 Nicholas Merriman 02/16
6:03.97 Zach Griffin 01/21
6:10.17* Brady Blackley 01/26
3000m RUN
10:58.4 Jared Godfrey 01/14
3200m RUN
10:38.76* #5 Cody Kelley 02/04
10:41.09 %3 Brandon Yardley 01/21
10:41.74 Landon Greenhalgh 01/21
10:42.17* Tom Hill 02/04
10:43.76* Frank Owens 02/04
12:02.19 Jeff Reed 01/21
13:22.30 Nicholas Merriman 01/21
4x200m RELAY
1:40.05 Kavika Fonua, Shane Russell, Will Haddick, Cameron Dower 02/17
1:41.69 Ashton Bigelow, Brayden Ryan, Zach Watson, Alex Vanderloo 01/14
4x400m RELAY
3:27.95* SR Mike Russell, Matt Dunston, Brandon Yardley, Jaxon Hansen 02/04
3:28.24 Jaxon Hansen, Mike Russell, Matt Dunston, Brandon Yardley 02/18
3:39.40 Mike Russell, Landon Greenhalgh, Brandon Yardley, Jaxon Hansen 01/21
3:53.11* Garrett Cadwell, Brayden Ryan, Will Haddick, Cameron Dower 02/04
4:04.62 Brayden Ryan, Austin VanVoris, Alex Bassett, Zach Watson 01/21
4:20.14 Ashton Bigelow, Garrett Cadwell, Nick Merriman, Cameron Dower 01/21
3:56.80 Landon Greenhalgh, Cody Kelley, Brandon Yardley, Cameron Dower 01/14
4x800m RELAY
8:23.98* SR Tom Hill, Mike Russell, Brandon Yardley, Jaxon Hansen 02/04
8:59.37 Landon Greenhalgh, Tom Hill, Cody Kelley, Brayden Ryan 02/18
9:44.64 Tom Hill, Jeff Reed, Frank Owens, Cody Kelley 01/21
11:01.85 Nathan Seffker, Zach Griffin, Josh Heileson, Jared Godfrey 01/21
3:42.30 Will Haddick, Matt Dunston, Kavika Fonua, Brandon Yardley 02/18
3:45.85 Matt Dunston, Zach Watson, Kavika Fonua, Brandon Yardley 02/17
3:48.08 Mike Russell, Will Haddick, Jake Zaugg, Jaxon Hansen 02/17
3:57.81 Cameron Dower, Stefan Kursius, Brayden Ryan, Landon Greenhalgh 02/17
r = relay split
c = converted from yards to meters
* = mark from oversized track
SR = School Record
# = place on Titan All-Time List
% = on All-Time List from previous year
Monday, May 21, 2012
Titan Track Bulletin - May 20, 2012
At our pre-state meeting Thursday, the coaches brought up that the meet would be like a roller coaster. Some ups, some downs, etc. That was an understatement. By the time the 39-hour adventure was over, about every emotion imaginable had occurred. I have decided to try to detail the meet as it occurred- with some deviations- times are estimates.
6:00 am- Board the bus, head to Provo.
8:50 am- 1600m run- Brandon Yardley begins the race, drops out after three laps as his breathing wasn’t working. Oxygen helps when running long distances.
9:00 am- Pole Vault begins- Jake Zaugg and Zach Watson bye early heights.
10:00 am- Jaxon Worthen (15.39) and Shane Russell (15.57) run the #2 and #4 times in the 110m hurdle trials.
10:45 am- Kavika Fonua (11.22) and Jake Garver (11.24) make finals in the 100m dash over many athletes seeded much higher.
10:50 am- Pole vault suspended due to terrible weather.
11:00 am- Sam Segura, Courtney Lemmons, Shelby Cadwell and Rachel Lemmons run 52.87, narrowly missing finals in the 4x100m relay. Sam “bites the dust” to make sure the handoff takes place.
11:20 am- Fonua, Garver, Jeff Knighton and Brennan O’Neil run great in the downpour turning in a time of 44.16 to make the finals of the 4x100m relay in the #5 spot.
12:00 pm- Yardley has gone to the emergency room to get his “fix”, returns in time to run 51.23 to make finals in the 400m dash in the #7 spot. Jeff Knighton made a great individual sacrifice deciding not to run the open 400 so he can help in all three relays.
1:00 pm- Courtney Lemmons breaks the school record in the long jump leaping 16'06.50 to place 6th.
1:45 pm- Mike Russell (41.13), Jake Garver (41.19), and Shane Russell (41.55) qualify in the #2, #4 and #5 spots in the 300m hurdles. Unfortunately, Jake was later DQ’ed for a hurdle violation. Close call, but probably correct.
2:30 pm- Following a long rain/wind delay, the pole vault resumes. Jake Zaugg (13'06) and Zach Watson (15'00) complete the most appropriate 1-2 event finish ever. The 18 points were huge. The satisfaction, not only for two athletes but also the old coach, even better than the points.
2:45 pm- Sarah Sperry, Sam Segura, Katrina Dunlap and Cheyna Field run a gutsy medley relay to make finals with a 4:28.87 time.
3:15 pm- Brittney Martin’s 35'07.25 toss in the shot put is good enough for 4th place.
3:45 pm- Jake Zaugg, Will Haddick, Jeff Knighton and Landon Greenhalgh run 3:39.75 in the medley relay to make the finals with the fastest time.
4:45 pm- Matt Dunston (23.15), Brennan O’Neil (23.54) and Alex Vanderloo (23.74) run good races but do not make finals in the 200m dash.
5:15 pm- Brad Sherman makes the podium by throwing 149'01 to place 3rd in the discus.
5:45 pm- Sperry, Segura, Dunlap and Field again run tough to clock a time of 4:16.53 in the 4x400m relay, just missing finals.
6:20 pm- Knighton, Dunston, Watson and Jaxon Hansen run 3:28.03 to qualify for finals in the 4x400m relay with the fastest time in the trials.
7:15 pm- Pack up and head home
6:00 am- Catch the bus again.
8:00 am- Mason Woodward PR’s in the javelin throwing 158'00 to finish 9th, just out of scoring.
10:00 am- Sarah Sperry jumps 4'11 in the high jump. A little off her best, but a good effort.
11:45 am- Shane Russell runs 15.42 into a big headwind to place 3rd in the 110m hurdles. Jaxon Worthen had step problems to the first hurdle and finished 7th in 15.87.
12:15 pm- Fonua runs 11.10 in the 100m dash to place 6th, just .07 out of 2nd.
12:30 pm- Jace Skidmore fouls on a big jump but is able to salvage a 19'11 and gain experience for next year.
1:30 pm- Running together for the first time all year, Fonua, Garver, Knighton and Watson sprint to a 43.40 in the 4x100m relay to place 4th.
2:30 pm- Yardley runs a PR of 50.11 in the 400m dash to place 7th.
3:00 pm- Spencer Hull, following 33 hours of supporting all of the Titan athletes, throws 47'06 in the shot put to finish 4th.
3:15 pm- Mike Russell (41.06) and Shane Russell (41.60) finish 4th and 5th in the 300m hurdles to gain big points.
3:30 pm- The Titans have performed well. There have been some great performances and outstanding efforts. However, it looks like 2nd place is not possible. Riverton appears to have a lock on the silver trophey. However, an incredible two-hours is about to take place.
3:45 pm- Jaxon Hansen runs an incredible 1:53.53 in the 800m run to finish 2nd. This is a school record and one of the top times ever run in Utah. Yardley, not long after his 400m dash effort, moves from 9th to 3rd over the last 150 meters to give the Titans 14 points. His 1:55.06 so soon after his PR 400 was amazing.
4:15 pm- Sperry, Segura, Dunlap and Field improve on the great effort in the trials to run 4:24.15 in the medley relay finals to place 6th. Cheyna holding off the Jordan runner down the homestretch was a fitting conclusion to a great career at Syracuse.
4:30 pm- Zaugg, Knighton, Mike Russell and Landon Greenhalgh all run great legs to finish 2nd in the medley relay in 3:35.61. Mike’s outstanding 50.8 400m leg came just an hour after placing 4th in the 300m hurdles. Landon ran a great race to keep the Titans in the hunt for a trophy.
5:00 pm- Riverton’s big finish in the 200m dash brought them within one point of the Titans.
5:45 pm- The Titans hold a one-point lead over Riverton with just the 4x400m relay to go. Riverton has run 3:20.00. We have run 3:24.56. No chance for Syracuse. What follows is the greatest 4x400m relay ever run in Utah high school history. Knighton leads off in 50.7 (his first 200 probably would have won the 200). Dunston follows with a great 50.4 leg putting us in the hunt. Yardley’s 48.8 gets the stick around for the incredible final lap. Hansen challenges the state’s fastest 400m runner every step of the way to finish about a meter behind in second place. The result was a 2nd place trophy for Riverton by one point. The Titans run 3:18.88, the #5 time EVER run in Utah high school history. Riverton’s 3:18.62 was the #3 mark ever run. Prediction: this feat will never be duplicated as long as this old coach is around.
9:00 pm- Arrive back at SHS.
It would have been great to have brought home the silver trophy. That didn’t happen. What I think everyone who was there over the duration of the 39-hours brought home was a collection of memories that will last forever. Even if they did not compete in the meet. As coaches, we appreciate the hard work and support of those who understand what is meant by TEAM versus what is meant by ME.
Chosen as Athletes of the Week were: Cheyna Field, Kavika Fonua, Brennan O’Neil and Will Haddick. All did a great job at State as competitors and supporters. And Cheyna has been a great competitor for three years at Syracuse. She will be missed.
I’m not sure of the exact time, but I hear Haley Busby ran 3:24:40 for the Ogden Marathon. WOW!!! An incredible race for Coach Busby!!! She has now qualified for Boston.
We will hold the Titan Decathlon Tuesday and Wednesday. This is for Boys and Girls. The events are: First day- 100m dash, long jump, shot put, high jump, 400m dash. Second day- 100/110m hurdles, discus, pole vault, javelin, 1500m run. A lot of fun.
For all sophomores and juniors interested in running cross country, there will be a meeting Thursday, May 24th at 3:30 in the “Blue Room”. The later time is to allow junior high students a chance to get over to the school. Show up and bring some recruits.
Because of so many conflicts, the barbecue/awards event will be Tuesday, May 29th at 5:30. This will be for all athletes and parents. We will eat and hand out some deserving awards. Nothing formal- just a relaxing evening to reflect on a great year.
Tuesday/Wednesday, May 22/23- Titan Decathlon- Men’s and Women’s
Thursday, May 24- Deadline for Uniform Check-In: You are on the fine list after this date and I will be slow to remove you when things are turned in.
Thursday, May 24- Cross Country Meeting, 3:30 in the Blue Room.
Tuesday, May 29- Barbecue/Awards Evening at 5:30.
Jun 1-2 - Great Southwest Classic
At our pre-state meeting Thursday, the coaches brought up that the meet would be like a roller coaster. Some ups, some downs, etc. That was an understatement. By the time the 39-hour adventure was over, about every emotion imaginable had occurred. I have decided to try to detail the meet as it occurred- with some deviations- times are estimates.
6:00 am- Board the bus, head to Provo.
8:50 am- 1600m run- Brandon Yardley begins the race, drops out after three laps as his breathing wasn’t working. Oxygen helps when running long distances.
9:00 am- Pole Vault begins- Jake Zaugg and Zach Watson bye early heights.
10:00 am- Jaxon Worthen (15.39) and Shane Russell (15.57) run the #2 and #4 times in the 110m hurdle trials.
10:45 am- Kavika Fonua (11.22) and Jake Garver (11.24) make finals in the 100m dash over many athletes seeded much higher.
10:50 am- Pole vault suspended due to terrible weather.
11:00 am- Sam Segura, Courtney Lemmons, Shelby Cadwell and Rachel Lemmons run 52.87, narrowly missing finals in the 4x100m relay. Sam “bites the dust” to make sure the handoff takes place.
11:20 am- Fonua, Garver, Jeff Knighton and Brennan O’Neil run great in the downpour turning in a time of 44.16 to make the finals of the 4x100m relay in the #5 spot.
12:00 pm- Yardley has gone to the emergency room to get his “fix”, returns in time to run 51.23 to make finals in the 400m dash in the #7 spot. Jeff Knighton made a great individual sacrifice deciding not to run the open 400 so he can help in all three relays.
1:00 pm- Courtney Lemmons breaks the school record in the long jump leaping 16'06.50 to place 6th.
1:45 pm- Mike Russell (41.13), Jake Garver (41.19), and Shane Russell (41.55) qualify in the #2, #4 and #5 spots in the 300m hurdles. Unfortunately, Jake was later DQ’ed for a hurdle violation. Close call, but probably correct.
2:30 pm- Following a long rain/wind delay, the pole vault resumes. Jake Zaugg (13'06) and Zach Watson (15'00) complete the most appropriate 1-2 event finish ever. The 18 points were huge. The satisfaction, not only for two athletes but also the old coach, even better than the points.
2:45 pm- Sarah Sperry, Sam Segura, Katrina Dunlap and Cheyna Field run a gutsy medley relay to make finals with a 4:28.87 time.
3:15 pm- Brittney Martin’s 35'07.25 toss in the shot put is good enough for 4th place.
3:45 pm- Jake Zaugg, Will Haddick, Jeff Knighton and Landon Greenhalgh run 3:39.75 in the medley relay to make the finals with the fastest time.
4:45 pm- Matt Dunston (23.15), Brennan O’Neil (23.54) and Alex Vanderloo (23.74) run good races but do not make finals in the 200m dash.
5:15 pm- Brad Sherman makes the podium by throwing 149'01 to place 3rd in the discus.
5:45 pm- Sperry, Segura, Dunlap and Field again run tough to clock a time of 4:16.53 in the 4x400m relay, just missing finals.
6:20 pm- Knighton, Dunston, Watson and Jaxon Hansen run 3:28.03 to qualify for finals in the 4x400m relay with the fastest time in the trials.
7:15 pm- Pack up and head home
6:00 am- Catch the bus again.
8:00 am- Mason Woodward PR’s in the javelin throwing 158'00 to finish 9th, just out of scoring.
10:00 am- Sarah Sperry jumps 4'11 in the high jump. A little off her best, but a good effort.
11:45 am- Shane Russell runs 15.42 into a big headwind to place 3rd in the 110m hurdles. Jaxon Worthen had step problems to the first hurdle and finished 7th in 15.87.
12:15 pm- Fonua runs 11.10 in the 100m dash to place 6th, just .07 out of 2nd.
12:30 pm- Jace Skidmore fouls on a big jump but is able to salvage a 19'11 and gain experience for next year.
1:30 pm- Running together for the first time all year, Fonua, Garver, Knighton and Watson sprint to a 43.40 in the 4x100m relay to place 4th.
2:30 pm- Yardley runs a PR of 50.11 in the 400m dash to place 7th.
3:00 pm- Spencer Hull, following 33 hours of supporting all of the Titan athletes, throws 47'06 in the shot put to finish 4th.
3:15 pm- Mike Russell (41.06) and Shane Russell (41.60) finish 4th and 5th in the 300m hurdles to gain big points.
3:30 pm- The Titans have performed well. There have been some great performances and outstanding efforts. However, it looks like 2nd place is not possible. Riverton appears to have a lock on the silver trophey. However, an incredible two-hours is about to take place.
3:45 pm- Jaxon Hansen runs an incredible 1:53.53 in the 800m run to finish 2nd. This is a school record and one of the top times ever run in Utah. Yardley, not long after his 400m dash effort, moves from 9th to 3rd over the last 150 meters to give the Titans 14 points. His 1:55.06 so soon after his PR 400 was amazing.
4:15 pm- Sperry, Segura, Dunlap and Field improve on the great effort in the trials to run 4:24.15 in the medley relay finals to place 6th. Cheyna holding off the Jordan runner down the homestretch was a fitting conclusion to a great career at Syracuse.
4:30 pm- Zaugg, Knighton, Mike Russell and Landon Greenhalgh all run great legs to finish 2nd in the medley relay in 3:35.61. Mike’s outstanding 50.8 400m leg came just an hour after placing 4th in the 300m hurdles. Landon ran a great race to keep the Titans in the hunt for a trophy.
5:00 pm- Riverton’s big finish in the 200m dash brought them within one point of the Titans.
5:45 pm- The Titans hold a one-point lead over Riverton with just the 4x400m relay to go. Riverton has run 3:20.00. We have run 3:24.56. No chance for Syracuse. What follows is the greatest 4x400m relay ever run in Utah high school history. Knighton leads off in 50.7 (his first 200 probably would have won the 200). Dunston follows with a great 50.4 leg putting us in the hunt. Yardley’s 48.8 gets the stick around for the incredible final lap. Hansen challenges the state’s fastest 400m runner every step of the way to finish about a meter behind in second place. The result was a 2nd place trophy for Riverton by one point. The Titans run 3:18.88, the #5 time EVER run in Utah high school history. Riverton’s 3:18.62 was the #3 mark ever run. Prediction: this feat will never be duplicated as long as this old coach is around.
9:00 pm- Arrive back at SHS.
It would have been great to have brought home the silver trophy. That didn’t happen. What I think everyone who was there over the duration of the 39-hours brought home was a collection of memories that will last forever. Even if they did not compete in the meet. As coaches, we appreciate the hard work and support of those who understand what is meant by TEAM versus what is meant by ME.
Chosen as Athletes of the Week were: Cheyna Field, Kavika Fonua, Brennan O’Neil and Will Haddick. All did a great job at State as competitors and supporters. And Cheyna has been a great competitor for three years at Syracuse. She will be missed.
I’m not sure of the exact time, but I hear Haley Busby ran 3:24:40 for the Ogden Marathon. WOW!!! An incredible race for Coach Busby!!! She has now qualified for Boston.
We will hold the Titan Decathlon Tuesday and Wednesday. This is for Boys and Girls. The events are: First day- 100m dash, long jump, shot put, high jump, 400m dash. Second day- 100/110m hurdles, discus, pole vault, javelin, 1500m run. A lot of fun.
For all sophomores and juniors interested in running cross country, there will be a meeting Thursday, May 24th at 3:30 in the “Blue Room”. The later time is to allow junior high students a chance to get over to the school. Show up and bring some recruits.
Because of so many conflicts, the barbecue/awards event will be Tuesday, May 29th at 5:30. This will be for all athletes and parents. We will eat and hand out some deserving awards. Nothing formal- just a relaxing evening to reflect on a great year.
Tuesday/Wednesday, May 22/23- Titan Decathlon- Men’s and Women’s
Thursday, May 24- Deadline for Uniform Check-In: You are on the fine list after this date and I will be slow to remove you when things are turned in.
Thursday, May 24- Cross Country Meeting, 3:30 in the Blue Room.
Tuesday, May 29- Barbecue/Awards Evening at 5:30.
Jun 1-2 - Great Southwest Classic
GIRLS Performance List - 2012
9'00.00 SR Michelle Thurgood 05/13
8'03.00CR #2 Mallory Ashby 05/13
7'10.00 #3 Jaylen Hernandez 04/20
5'01.00 SR Sarah Sperry 04/20
5'00.00 #2 Jaycie Smith 04/28
4'10.00 #5 Marisa Guy 05/14
4'08.00 Jordan Anderson 04/11
4'04.00 Kira Kutterer 03/14
4'04.00 Lauren Busby 03/09
4'04.00 Katrina Dunlap 03/14
4'00.00 Madison Dalrymple 04/18
4'00.00 Alex Harbeck 05/02
16'06.50SR Courtney Lemmons 05/18
16'02.00%3 Ali Morris 04/14
15'11.25 #4 Rachel Lemmons 04/14
13'05.00 Ashley Rodriguez 04/25
13'04.00 Krystal Hassard 04/14
12'09.00 Katrina Dunlap 03/09
12'06.00 Jaycie Smith 03/27
12'00.50 Jaylen Hernandez 03/09
10'06.00 Kenzie Long 04/11
10'03.50 Lauren Busby 03/09
10'00.50 Michelle Thurgood 03/14
8'11.00 Bailee Wilcox 03/09
6'02.00 Kelsey Bate 03/09
31'07.50 SR Rachell Lemmons 04/14
30'01.25 #2 Courtney Lemmons 04/14
25'05.00 #3 Ashton O’Neil 04/14
24'08.00 #4 Kira Kutterer 04/14
35'07.25 #3 Brittney Martin 05/18
32'09.25 #5 Sarah Sperry 03/31
32'00.50 %4 Abby Call 04/28
28'06.00 %7 Ashley Perczak 03/27
27'05.00 %9 Kiersten Page 05/10
26'04.50 Courtney Perczak 04/25
21'00.50 Jaycie Smith 03/21
20'01.00 Nicole Lavely 03/09
16'05.75 Melanie Huckaby 03/14
15'08.00 Valeria Torena 04/11
91'08 #5 Kiersten Page 05/02
77'08 Sarah Sperry 04/18
75'02 Ashley Perczak 04/25
74'06 %7 Nicole Lavely 03/09
68'09 Abby Call 04/18
67'05 Courtney Perczak 04/11
57'00 Claudia Lopez 05/02
47'11 Melanie Huckaby 05/02
43'05 Jordan Porter 04/18
42'10 Valeria Torena 04/18
40'02 Cheyna Field 03/09
80'08 #4 Alex Harbeck 05/14
69'11 Sarah Sperry 04/11
62'04 Nicole Lavely 03/27
61'11 Jaycie Smith 05/02
53'02 Kiersten Page 03/09
51'03 Shelby Cadwell 03/09
49'05 Michelle Thurgood 04/11
46'05 Jordan Porter 04/18
44'09 Cheyna Field 03/21
41'03 Valeria Torena 04/11
17.06 #5 Kenzie Long 05/04
19.13 Lauren Busby 05/09
19.20 Kira Kutterer 05/02
19.63 Ashley Rodriguez 05/02
19.83 Jaydin Hurst 03/09
22.07 Madison Dalrymple 05/02
51.29 #4 Kenzie Long 05/02
52.40 #7 Jaydin Hurst 03/09
55.00 Ashley Rodriguez 05/14
57.00 Lauren Busby 05/14
59.68 Kira Kutterer 03/21
59.71 Sharlie Dimick 03/09
1:00.35 Madison Dalrymple 04/20
100m DASH
13.29 #6 Courtney Lemmons 03/28
13.65 #8 Rachel Lemmons 05/14
13.92 Marisa Guy 05/09
14.01 Jaydin Hurst 03/09
14.04 Sam Segura 03/21
14.22 Alex Harbeck 05/02
14.23w Katrina Dunlap 04/25
14.31 Shelby Cadwell 03/21
14.34* Sharon Lavely 03/14
14.35 Katrina Dunlap 03/21
14.56 Ashton O’Neil 05/02
14.61w Bailie Olsen 04/25
14.94 Kira Kutterer 04/18
14.94w Kelsey Bate 04/25
15.01 Ashley Rodriguez 04/18
15.04* Krystal Hassard 03/14
15.25 Kelsey Bate 04/14
15.61 Jordan Porter 04/25
15.69w Bailee Wilcox 04/25
15.96w Claudia Lopez 04/25
15.98 Jaylen Hernandez 03/09
16.06 Bailee Wilcox 03/27
16.16 Aki Ikehara 03/27
16.43 Claudia Lopez 05/02
17.16 Madison Dalrymple 03/21
200m DASH
27.66 #6 Sarah Sperry 05/02
28.06 #8 Jaydin Hurst 04/14
28.19 #9 Sam Segura 04/20
28.56 Katrina Dunlap 05/02
28.83 Jordan Anderson 05/02
29.04 Shelby Cadwell 03/09
29.16 Marisa Guy 05/02
29.34 Lindsey Bailey 03/09
30.09 Cheyna Field 04/11
30.64* Sharon Lavely 03/14
30.70 Rachel Lemmons 03/09
30.92 Sharon Lavely 03/09
31.75 Krystal Hassard 04/11
32.03 Ashton O’Neil 03/27
32.53 Nicole Lavely 03/09
32.73 Ashley Rodriguez 03/09
33.74 Michelle Thurgood 04/25
34.27 Claudia Lopez 03/21
35.91 Madison Dalrymple 04/11
400m DASH
1:01.25 #4 Katrina Dunlap 5/04
1:02.33 #7 Sarah Sperry 04/20
1:03.65 #10 Cheyna Field 04/25
1:04.02 Sam Segura 04/20
1:04.15 Mallory Ashby 05/14
1:05.23 %9 Lindsey Bailey 03/09
1:06.5r Sharlie Dimick 03/14
1:07.68 Marisa Guy 04/11
1:08.14* % 6 Shelby Cadwell 03/14
1:09.05 Alyssa Perry 03/09
1:09.24* Sharon Lavely 03/14
1:11.8r Lauren Busby 03/14
1:12.6r Krystal Hassard 03/14
1:16.99 Jaycie Smith 04/25
800m RUN
2:25.08 #2 Cheyna Field 05/05
2:30.7 %4 Sharlie Dimick 04/18
2:33.64* #8 Katrina Dunlap 03/21
2:34.01 #9 Erin Kibler 04/14
2:36.8 Lindsey Bailey 03/14
2:38.21 Adriana Mcfarland 04/20
2:41.0 Mallory Ashby 03/28
2:55.82 Maddy Neyts 05/10
2:57.56 Becca Jacobsen 05/10
3:00.0 Lauren Busby 04/18
3:04.7 Katelyn Davidson 03/09
1600m RUN
5:27.29 %2 Sharlie Dimick 05/05
5:38.30 #3 Erin Kibler 04/28
5:53.44*#7 Cheyna Field 03/14
6:06.96 Adriana Mcfarland 05/09
6:11.0 Krystal Hassard 03/27
6:24.1 Becca Jacobsen 05/02
6:25.1 Maddy Neyts 05/02
6:33.22 Katelyn Davidson 05/09
3200m RUN
12:31.72 %2 Sharlie Dimick 03/28
12:28.00 #3 Erin Kibler 05/10
13:59.6 Katelyn Davidson 03/21
14:07.43 Becca Jacobsen 05/10
14:14.57 Maddy Neyts 05/10
14:37.1 Adriana Mcfarland 03/21
4x100m RELAY
52.75 Sam Segura, Rachel Lemmons, Shelby Cadwell, Courtney Lemmons 05/02
55.34* Jordan Anderson, Sharon Lavely, Alex Harbeck, ?? 03/14
57.84* Ashley Rodriguez, Lauren Busby, Kenzie Long, Kira Kutterer 03/14
4:24.15 Sarah Sperry, Sam Segura, Katrina Dunlap, Cheyna Field 05/19
4:29.62 Sam Segura, Shelby Cadwell, Mallory Ashby, Sharlie Dimick 05/10
4:37.17 Rachel Lemmons, Sam Segura, Marisa Guy, Cheyna Field 03/28
4:41.82 Sam Segura, Jaydin Hurst, Marisa Guy, Erin Kibler 04/14
4x400m RELAY
4:10.89 Sarah Sperry, Cheyna Field, Sam Segura, Katrina Dunlap 05/05
4:16.60 Sarah Sperry, Cheyna Field, Mallory Ashby, Katrina Dunlap 04/14
4:20.08 Sarah Sperry, Shelby Cadwell, Cheyna Field, Katrina Dunlap 03/28
4:26.6 Sam Segura, Cheyna Field, Mallory Ashby, Katrina Dunlap 04/18
4:26.9 Katrina Dunlap, Shelby Cadwell, Sharlie Dimick, Sarah Sperry 03/21
4x200m RELAY
2:05.76 Bailee Wilcox, Kelsey Bate, Ashton O’Neil, Jordan Anderson 04/14
4x800m RELAY
10:19.60 Cheyna Field, Katrina Dunlap, Adriana McFarland, Sharlie Dimick 04/28
11:52.88 Katelyn Davidson, Maddy Neyts, Adrian McFarland, Becca Jacobsen 04/14
SR = School Record
CR = Class Record
# = Place on All-Time List
% = Already on All-Time List with superior mark from previous year
r = Relay Split
* Converted from Handheld to FAT equivalent
9'00.00 SR Michelle Thurgood 05/13
8'03.00CR #2 Mallory Ashby 05/13
7'10.00 #3 Jaylen Hernandez 04/20
5'01.00 SR Sarah Sperry 04/20
5'00.00 #2 Jaycie Smith 04/28
4'10.00 #5 Marisa Guy 05/14
4'08.00 Jordan Anderson 04/11
4'04.00 Kira Kutterer 03/14
4'04.00 Lauren Busby 03/09
4'04.00 Katrina Dunlap 03/14
4'00.00 Madison Dalrymple 04/18
4'00.00 Alex Harbeck 05/02
16'06.50SR Courtney Lemmons 05/18
16'02.00%3 Ali Morris 04/14
15'11.25 #4 Rachel Lemmons 04/14
13'05.00 Ashley Rodriguez 04/25
13'04.00 Krystal Hassard 04/14
12'09.00 Katrina Dunlap 03/09
12'06.00 Jaycie Smith 03/27
12'00.50 Jaylen Hernandez 03/09
10'06.00 Kenzie Long 04/11
10'03.50 Lauren Busby 03/09
10'00.50 Michelle Thurgood 03/14
8'11.00 Bailee Wilcox 03/09
6'02.00 Kelsey Bate 03/09
31'07.50 SR Rachell Lemmons 04/14
30'01.25 #2 Courtney Lemmons 04/14
25'05.00 #3 Ashton O’Neil 04/14
24'08.00 #4 Kira Kutterer 04/14
35'07.25 #3 Brittney Martin 05/18
32'09.25 #5 Sarah Sperry 03/31
32'00.50 %4 Abby Call 04/28
28'06.00 %7 Ashley Perczak 03/27
27'05.00 %9 Kiersten Page 05/10
26'04.50 Courtney Perczak 04/25
21'00.50 Jaycie Smith 03/21
20'01.00 Nicole Lavely 03/09
16'05.75 Melanie Huckaby 03/14
15'08.00 Valeria Torena 04/11
91'08 #5 Kiersten Page 05/02
77'08 Sarah Sperry 04/18
75'02 Ashley Perczak 04/25
74'06 %7 Nicole Lavely 03/09
68'09 Abby Call 04/18
67'05 Courtney Perczak 04/11
57'00 Claudia Lopez 05/02
47'11 Melanie Huckaby 05/02
43'05 Jordan Porter 04/18
42'10 Valeria Torena 04/18
40'02 Cheyna Field 03/09
80'08 #4 Alex Harbeck 05/14
69'11 Sarah Sperry 04/11
62'04 Nicole Lavely 03/27
61'11 Jaycie Smith 05/02
53'02 Kiersten Page 03/09
51'03 Shelby Cadwell 03/09
49'05 Michelle Thurgood 04/11
46'05 Jordan Porter 04/18
44'09 Cheyna Field 03/21
41'03 Valeria Torena 04/11
17.06 #5 Kenzie Long 05/04
19.13 Lauren Busby 05/09
19.20 Kira Kutterer 05/02
19.63 Ashley Rodriguez 05/02
19.83 Jaydin Hurst 03/09
22.07 Madison Dalrymple 05/02
51.29 #4 Kenzie Long 05/02
52.40 #7 Jaydin Hurst 03/09
55.00 Ashley Rodriguez 05/14
57.00 Lauren Busby 05/14
59.68 Kira Kutterer 03/21
59.71 Sharlie Dimick 03/09
1:00.35 Madison Dalrymple 04/20
100m DASH
13.29 #6 Courtney Lemmons 03/28
13.65 #8 Rachel Lemmons 05/14
13.92 Marisa Guy 05/09
14.01 Jaydin Hurst 03/09
14.04 Sam Segura 03/21
14.22 Alex Harbeck 05/02
14.23w Katrina Dunlap 04/25
14.31 Shelby Cadwell 03/21
14.34* Sharon Lavely 03/14
14.35 Katrina Dunlap 03/21
14.56 Ashton O’Neil 05/02
14.61w Bailie Olsen 04/25
14.94 Kira Kutterer 04/18
14.94w Kelsey Bate 04/25
15.01 Ashley Rodriguez 04/18
15.04* Krystal Hassard 03/14
15.25 Kelsey Bate 04/14
15.61 Jordan Porter 04/25
15.69w Bailee Wilcox 04/25
15.96w Claudia Lopez 04/25
15.98 Jaylen Hernandez 03/09
16.06 Bailee Wilcox 03/27
16.16 Aki Ikehara 03/27
16.43 Claudia Lopez 05/02
17.16 Madison Dalrymple 03/21
200m DASH
27.66 #6 Sarah Sperry 05/02
28.06 #8 Jaydin Hurst 04/14
28.19 #9 Sam Segura 04/20
28.56 Katrina Dunlap 05/02
28.83 Jordan Anderson 05/02
29.04 Shelby Cadwell 03/09
29.16 Marisa Guy 05/02
29.34 Lindsey Bailey 03/09
30.09 Cheyna Field 04/11
30.64* Sharon Lavely 03/14
30.70 Rachel Lemmons 03/09
30.92 Sharon Lavely 03/09
31.75 Krystal Hassard 04/11
32.03 Ashton O’Neil 03/27
32.53 Nicole Lavely 03/09
32.73 Ashley Rodriguez 03/09
33.74 Michelle Thurgood 04/25
34.27 Claudia Lopez 03/21
35.91 Madison Dalrymple 04/11
400m DASH
1:01.25 #4 Katrina Dunlap 5/04
1:02.33 #7 Sarah Sperry 04/20
1:03.65 #10 Cheyna Field 04/25
1:04.02 Sam Segura 04/20
1:04.15 Mallory Ashby 05/14
1:05.23 %9 Lindsey Bailey 03/09
1:06.5r Sharlie Dimick 03/14
1:07.68 Marisa Guy 04/11
1:08.14* % 6 Shelby Cadwell 03/14
1:09.05 Alyssa Perry 03/09
1:09.24* Sharon Lavely 03/14
1:11.8r Lauren Busby 03/14
1:12.6r Krystal Hassard 03/14
1:16.99 Jaycie Smith 04/25
800m RUN
2:25.08 #2 Cheyna Field 05/05
2:30.7 %4 Sharlie Dimick 04/18
2:33.64* #8 Katrina Dunlap 03/21
2:34.01 #9 Erin Kibler 04/14
2:36.8 Lindsey Bailey 03/14
2:38.21 Adriana Mcfarland 04/20
2:41.0 Mallory Ashby 03/28
2:55.82 Maddy Neyts 05/10
2:57.56 Becca Jacobsen 05/10
3:00.0 Lauren Busby 04/18
3:04.7 Katelyn Davidson 03/09
1600m RUN
5:27.29 %2 Sharlie Dimick 05/05
5:38.30 #3 Erin Kibler 04/28
5:53.44*#7 Cheyna Field 03/14
6:06.96 Adriana Mcfarland 05/09
6:11.0 Krystal Hassard 03/27
6:24.1 Becca Jacobsen 05/02
6:25.1 Maddy Neyts 05/02
6:33.22 Katelyn Davidson 05/09
3200m RUN
12:31.72 %2 Sharlie Dimick 03/28
12:28.00 #3 Erin Kibler 05/10
13:59.6 Katelyn Davidson 03/21
14:07.43 Becca Jacobsen 05/10
14:14.57 Maddy Neyts 05/10
14:37.1 Adriana Mcfarland 03/21
4x100m RELAY
52.75 Sam Segura, Rachel Lemmons, Shelby Cadwell, Courtney Lemmons 05/02
55.34* Jordan Anderson, Sharon Lavely, Alex Harbeck, ?? 03/14
57.84* Ashley Rodriguez, Lauren Busby, Kenzie Long, Kira Kutterer 03/14
4:24.15 Sarah Sperry, Sam Segura, Katrina Dunlap, Cheyna Field 05/19
4:29.62 Sam Segura, Shelby Cadwell, Mallory Ashby, Sharlie Dimick 05/10
4:37.17 Rachel Lemmons, Sam Segura, Marisa Guy, Cheyna Field 03/28
4:41.82 Sam Segura, Jaydin Hurst, Marisa Guy, Erin Kibler 04/14
4x400m RELAY
4:10.89 Sarah Sperry, Cheyna Field, Sam Segura, Katrina Dunlap 05/05
4:16.60 Sarah Sperry, Cheyna Field, Mallory Ashby, Katrina Dunlap 04/14
4:20.08 Sarah Sperry, Shelby Cadwell, Cheyna Field, Katrina Dunlap 03/28
4:26.6 Sam Segura, Cheyna Field, Mallory Ashby, Katrina Dunlap 04/18
4:26.9 Katrina Dunlap, Shelby Cadwell, Sharlie Dimick, Sarah Sperry 03/21
4x200m RELAY
2:05.76 Bailee Wilcox, Kelsey Bate, Ashton O’Neil, Jordan Anderson 04/14
4x800m RELAY
10:19.60 Cheyna Field, Katrina Dunlap, Adriana McFarland, Sharlie Dimick 04/28
11:52.88 Katelyn Davidson, Maddy Neyts, Adrian McFarland, Becca Jacobsen 04/14
SR = School Record
CR = Class Record
# = Place on All-Time List
% = Already on All-Time List with superior mark from previous year
r = Relay Split
* Converted from Handheld to FAT equivalent
BOYS Performance List - 2012
15'00.00 SR Zach Watson 05/09
14'04.00 #2 Jake Zaugg 04/28
11'03.00 #4 Will Haddick 05/13
10'06.00 #6 Kyle Arigot 3/09
9'08.00 #10 Nicholas Merriman 05/09
7'06.00 Ty Hoggan 04/18
6'06.00 Trevor Unsicker 3/09
6'02.00 #2 Koa Mo’o 03/21
6'00.00 #4 Jaxon Worthen 04/14
5'10.00 CR #6 Deondre Watson 03/21
5'09.00 #9 Kiwa Mo’o 05/09
5'08.00 #10 Karson Nielson 3/09
5'08.00 #10 Kavika Fonua 3/09
5'06.00 Michael Phelps 04/14
5'06.00 Stefan Kurzius 03/21
5'04.00 Matt Dunston 3/09
20'10.50 CR #2 Jace Skidmore 04/18
19'00.50 %5 Mike Russell 3/09
18'08.75 Jordan Bush 05/10
18'07.00 Jaxon Worthen 04/11
18'05.00 Austin Evans 04/20
18'05.00 Jake Garver 04/18
17'08.50 Matt Dunston 03/14
17'07.00 Kavika Fonua 03/21
17'07.00 Austin Van Voris 04/11
16'08.00 Trevor Olsen 04/18
16'04.00 Shane Russell 03/14
16'02.00 Koa Mo’o 04/25
16'02.00 Nate Seffker 04/18
15'11.00 Kyle Arigot 04/11
15'09.00 Mason Woodward 04/18
36'08.50 SR Mike Russell 04/14
35'03.25 #2 Jordan Bush 04/14
35'02.50 #3 Trevor Olsen 04/14
50'00.00 #3 Spencer Hull 05/10
46'01.00 #6 Cardon Malan 05/02
44'07.00 #8 Braiden Tovey 04/25
43'10.00 75#9 Steven Carter 05/04
42'02.00 #10 Jarom Hansen 05/10
41'09.00 Caden Call 05/14
41'04.50 Kavika Fonua 3/09
40'08.00 Spencer Woodhall 05/10
38'08.00 Bradley Sherman 3/28
36'10.00 Zach Watson 3/09
36'05.50 Shane Russell 3/09
35'08.50 Nicholas Merriman 3/09
33'03.50 Stefan Kurzius 05/02
24'04.00 Sean Marchant 04/18
16'05.00 Hyrum Cook 04/25
159'02 #3 Bradley Sherman 04/28
130'03 #4 Nicholas Merriman 05/09
125'11 #6 Braiden Tovey 05/09
120'00 #9 Spencer Hull 04/20
117'09 Spencer Woodhall 05/14
116'05 Jarom Hansen 05/09
93'01 Shane Russell 3/09
93'00 Steven Carter 05/09
89'06 Zach Watson 3/09
77'06 Tom Hill 3/09
69'06 Caden Call 03/21
51'03 Hyrum Cook 04/25
158'00 CR #2 Mason Woodward 05/19
137'07 #7 Shane Russell 04/18
134'10 #9 Brad Sherman 3/09
129'05 #10 Keaton Jones 03/14
121'07 Jake Zaugg 3/09
120'10 Zach Watson 04/11
118'09 Alex Vanderloo 03/28
117'04 Jarom Hansen 03/28
113'10 Matt Dunston 03/21
112'02 Nick Merriman 04/18
107'08 Spencer Hull 3/09
103'05 Austin VanVoris 04/18
100'01 Jake Garver 03/21
99'08 Nick Rizer 05/02
99'07 Trevor Olsen 03/28
79'07 Spencer Woodhall 04/18
79'07 Mark Kellmer 05/02
66'05 Sean Marchant 04/18
54'04 Stefan Kurzius 3/09
49'03 Hyrum Cook 05/02
15.13 SR Jaxon Worthen 05/05
15.36 %3 Shane Russell 05/09
16.87 #6 Ashton Bigelow 05/09
17.04* Stefan Kurzius 03/14
17.07 #7 Karson Nielson 3/09
17.83 #9 Stefan Kurzius 03/21
40.47 #2 Shane Russell 05/09
41.06 #3 Mike Russell 05/19
41.07 CR #4 Jake Garver 05/04
41.66 #5 Ashton Bigelow 04/28
42.26 #7 Brandon Yardley 04/11
43.52 #8 Karson Nielson 03/28
44.12 Josh Thalman 05/14
45.09 Austin Van Voris 05/02
46.24 Brock Anderson 04/18
47.33 Jaxon Worthen 03/21
47.44 Cameron Dower 03/21
49.00 Nicholas Merriman 04/18
49.23 Brayden Ryan 05/02
50.01 Trevor Olsen 3/09
50.54 Stefan Kurzius 03/21
100m DASH
11.10 #2 Kavika Fonua 05/19
11.24 #3 Jake Garver 05/18
11.41 #4 Alex Vanderloo 05/09
11.46w Michael Phelps 04/25
11.55w Jeff Knighton 04/25
11.56w Will Haddick 04/25
11.67 #9 Brennan O’Neil 05/09
11.72 %6 Michael Phelps 04/20
11.77 Zach Watson 04/11
11.78w Jace Skidmore 04/25
11.80 Will Haddick 04/11
11.81 Kiwa Mo’o 05/02
11.86 Cayden Feldt 05/14
11.86 Brock Anderson 05/09
11.87 Jake Zaugg 05/02
11.90 Jeff Knighton 3/09
11.93w Shane Russell 04/25
11.95w Jorge Lopez 04/25
11.95 Ashton Bigelow 05/02
12.04 Jace Skidmore 04/11
12.07w Austin Evans 04/25
12.13 Trevor Olsen 05/14
12.14 Jorge Lopez 05/14
12.14* Stefan Kurzius 03/14
12.16 Mason Woodward 04/11
12.18w Cameron Dower 04/25
12.22 Austin Evans 05/02
12.23 Gus Salazar 04/11
12.24 Cameron Dower 04/11
12.28 Jordan Bush 05/14
12.29 Josh Thalman 3/09
12.35 Matt Kealamakia 05/09
12.40w Kyler Roberts 04/25
12.50 Matt Dunston 3/09
12.52 Kyler Roberts 04/18
12.54* Josh Homer 03/14
12.55 Jaxon Worthen 05/02
12.71 Brayden Ryan 03/21
12.78 Pedro Aviles 3/09
12.88 Nick Rizer 03/21
13.54 Gregg Marchant 05/02
200m DASH
22.83 #2 Jake Garver 05/02
22.84 CR #3 Alex Vanderloo 05/09
23.09 #4 Matt Dunston 04/20
23.29 #6 Brennan O’Neil 05/10
23.37 #8 Kavika Fonua 04/20
23.49 Jeff Knighton 05/02
23.57 %9 Michael Phelps 04/20
23.90 Brock Anderson 05/02
23.97 Koa Mo’o 05/02
23.98 Brandon Yardley 3/09
24.07 Zach Watson 04/25
24.14 Will Haddick 05/02
24.27 Ashton Bigelow 05/02
24.36 Jaxon Worthen 04/25
24.51 Gus Salazar 05/02
24.54 Kiwa Mo’o 05/02
24.58 Cameron Dower 04/18
24.62 Jake Zaugg 04/18
24.87 Josh Thalman 3/09
24.97 Mike Russell 3/09
25.01 Jordan Bush 05/09
25.16 Deondre Watson 04/25
25.31 Kyler Roberts 04/18
25.33 Trevor Olsen 05/02
25.34 Daniel Pehrson 05/02
25.44 Mason Woodward 05/02
25.65 Cayden Feldt 04/18
25.81 Austin Van Voris 04/25
25.83 Brayden Ryan 04/18
26.14 Jorge Lopez 05/14
26.30 Josh Homer 3/09
26.60 Matt Kealamakia 04/18
26.84* Stefan Kurzius 03/14
28.07 Spencer Woodhall 05/02
32.31 Hyrum Cook 05/02
32.34* Spencer Hull 03/14
400m DASH
48.7r Jaxon Hansen 05/19
48.8r Brandon Yardley 05/19
50.11 CR #2 Brandon Yardley 05/19
50.4r Matt Dunston 05/19
50.7r Jeff Knighton 05/19
50.8r Mike Russell 05/19
50.85 #6 Jaxon Hansen 04/18
50.90 #7 Jeff Knighton 05/04
50.95 #8 Matt Dunston 05/04
51.8r Zach Watson 04/07
52.0r Landon Greenhalgh 04/20
53.11 Landon Greenhalgh 04/11
53.34 Will Haddick 05/15
53.6r Mike Russell 03/28
54.08 Brock Anderson 04/20
54.11 Alex Vanderloo 04/18
54.32 Cameron Dower 05/09
54.63 Nick Rizer 05/02
54.66 Jake Garver 3/09
55.27 Jace Skidmore 04/20
55.77 Gus Salazar 05/02
56.16 Cody Kelley 04/18
56.34* Shane Russell 03/14
56.46 Josh Thalman 04/11
56.61 Kavika Fonua 04/18
56.93 Nick Rizer 3/09
57.29 Josh Homer 04/18
57.4r Trevor Olsen 03/14
57.53 Brayden Ryan 03/21
58.70 Jordan Bush 3/09
59.0r Austin Van Voris 03/14
59.78 Deondre Watson 04/11
59.85 Austin Evans 04/18
800m RUN
1:53.53 SR Jaxon Hansen 05/19
1:54.94 #2 Brandon Yardley 04/07
1:58.5r Landon Greenhalgh 05/19
1:59.80 #6 Landon Greenhalgh 05/05
1:59.9r Mike Russell 05/05
2:07.1 %9 Mike Russell 03/14
2:07.44* #10 Parker Greenhalgh 04/25
2:10.71 Nick Rizer 04/20
2:12.4 Cody Kelley 04/11
2:13.0 Tom Hill 04/11
2:16.8 Josh Homer 03/14
2:17.6 Micah Read 03/14
2:20.31 Brayden Ryan 03/28
2:23.9 Michael Phelps 04/11
2:23.9 Jeff Reed 03/21
2:28.03 Zach Griffin 04/20
2:29.76 Gregg Marchant 05/10
2:30.9 Brady Cook 05/02
2:31.08 Jared Godfrey 04/14
2:46.2 Nicholas Merriman 04/11
2:55.62 Sean Marchant 05/14
3:11.9 Mark Kellmer 3/09
1600m RUN
4:25.36 #3 Brandon Yardley 04/28
4:26.14 #4 Jaxon Hansen 05/09
4:33.71 #6 Landon Greenhalgh 05/09
4:35.79 #7 Parker Greenhalgh 05/09
4:38.57 CR #8 Cody Kelley 05/09
4:48.43 Tom Hill 05/09
4:59.34 Frank Owens 04/20
5:10.47 Nathan Seffker 05/14
5:12.5 Jeff Reed 04/25
5:14.6 %9 Mike Russell 3/09
5:29.57 Jared Godfrey 05/14
5:31.7 Brady Cook 05/02
5:39.4 Zach Griffin 05/02
5:42.0 Josh Homer 04/11
5:48.9 Gregg Marchant 04/18
6:40.1 Sean Marchant 04/25
6:42.79 Mark Kellmer 03/28
3200m RUN
9:58.39 #3 Jaxon Hansen 03/27
10:09.77 #4 Brandon Yardley 04/20
10:10.31 CR #5 Parker Greenhalgh 05/10
10:26.14 CR #7 Cody Kelley 04/14
10:39.29 #10 Tom Hill 05/10
10:41.81 Frank Owens 05/02
11:33.6 Nathan Seffker 03/14
12:01.4 Jeff Reed 03/27
13:00.4 Brady Cook 05/02
14:01.9 Zach Griffin 03/14
14:35.8 Nicholas Merriman 03/14
15:15.1 Tom Lakey 04/18
15:49.7 Mark Kellmer 03/14
4x100m RELAY
43.17 SR Kavika Fonua, Jake Garver, Zach Watson, Alex Vanderloo 05/05
43.40 Jake Zaugg, Jake Garver, Jeff Knighton, Zach Watson 05/19
44.11 Kavika Fonua, Jake Garver, Zach Watson, Jake Zaugg 05/10
45.05 Jace Skidmore, Brennan O’Neil, Brock Anderson, Jaxon Worthen 04/28
45.07 Jake Zaugg, Alex Vanderloo, Zach Watson, Matt Dunston 04/11
45.15 Mason Woodward, Jake Garver, Brock Anderson, Kavika Fonua 03/28
3:35.61 Jake Zaugg, Jeff Knighton, Mike Russell, Landon Greenhalgh 05/19
3:38.89 Brennan O’Neil, Jake Garver, Jaxon Hansen, Brandon Yardley 04/14
3:39.22 Alex Vanderloo, Jake Garver, Will Haddick, Mike Russell 05/05
3:39.75 Jake Zaugg, Will Haddick, Jeff Knighton, Landon Greenhalgh 05/19
3:46.09 Jake Zaugg, Zach Watson, Will Haddick, Landon Greenhalgh 05/10
3:45.84 Alex Vanderloo, Jake Garver, Jeff Knighton, Parker Greenhalgh 04/28
3:47.88 Brennan O’Neil, Shane Russell, Will Haddick, Landon Greenhalgh 03/31
3:51.9 Jake Zaugg, Zach Watson, Will Haddick, Landon Greenhalgh 03/14
4x400m RELAY
3:18.88 SR Jeff Knighton, Matt Dunston, Brandon Yardley Jaxon Hansen 05/19
3:25.10 Jaxon Hansen, Matt Dunston, Landon Greenhalgh, Brandon Yardley 04/28
3:27.10 Mike Russell, Matt Dunston, Jaxon Hansen, Brandon Yardley 03/28
3:38.97 Jeff Knighton, Will Haddick, Brandon Yardley, Jaxon Hansen 05/10
3:30.88 Cameron Dower, Landon Greenhalgh, Matt Dunston, Jaxon Hansen 04/20
3:36.88 Mike Russell, Will Haddick, Alex Vanderloo, Jeff Knighton 04/28
3:37.0 Jaxon Hansen, Brandon Yardley, Matt Dunston, Alex Vanderloo 04/18
3:39.18 Mike Russell, Jeff Knighton, Will Haddick, Alex Vanderloo 04/14
3:40.9 Will Haddick, Mike Russell, Cameron Dower, Landon Greenhalgh 04/18
4x200m RELAY
1:34.66 SR Brock Anderson, Brennan O’Neil, Cameron Dower, Alex Vanderloo 04/14
4x800m RELAY
8:41.03 Parker Greenhalgh, Tom Hill, Cody Kelley, Landon Greenghalgh 04/14
8:50.99 Nick Rizer, Tom Hill, Cody Kelley, Parker Greenhalgh 04/28
10:28.76 SR Jaxon Hansen, Zach Watson, Landon Greenhalgh, Brandon Yardley 04/07
SR = School Record
CR = Class Record
# = Place on All-Time List
% = Already on All-Time List with superior mark
r = Relay Split
* Converted from Handheld to FAT equivalent
= State Qualifying Mark
15'00.00 SR Zach Watson 05/09
14'04.00 #2 Jake Zaugg 04/28
11'03.00 #4 Will Haddick 05/13
10'06.00 #6 Kyle Arigot 3/09
9'08.00 #10 Nicholas Merriman 05/09
7'06.00 Ty Hoggan 04/18
6'06.00 Trevor Unsicker 3/09
6'02.00 #2 Koa Mo’o 03/21
6'00.00 #4 Jaxon Worthen 04/14
5'10.00 CR #6 Deondre Watson 03/21
5'09.00 #9 Kiwa Mo’o 05/09
5'08.00 #10 Karson Nielson 3/09
5'08.00 #10 Kavika Fonua 3/09
5'06.00 Michael Phelps 04/14
5'06.00 Stefan Kurzius 03/21
5'04.00 Matt Dunston 3/09
20'10.50 CR #2 Jace Skidmore 04/18
19'00.50 %5 Mike Russell 3/09
18'08.75 Jordan Bush 05/10
18'07.00 Jaxon Worthen 04/11
18'05.00 Austin Evans 04/20
18'05.00 Jake Garver 04/18
17'08.50 Matt Dunston 03/14
17'07.00 Kavika Fonua 03/21
17'07.00 Austin Van Voris 04/11
16'08.00 Trevor Olsen 04/18
16'04.00 Shane Russell 03/14
16'02.00 Koa Mo’o 04/25
16'02.00 Nate Seffker 04/18
15'11.00 Kyle Arigot 04/11
15'09.00 Mason Woodward 04/18
36'08.50 SR Mike Russell 04/14
35'03.25 #2 Jordan Bush 04/14
35'02.50 #3 Trevor Olsen 04/14
50'00.00 #3 Spencer Hull 05/10
46'01.00 #6 Cardon Malan 05/02
44'07.00 #8 Braiden Tovey 04/25
43'10.00 75#9 Steven Carter 05/04
42'02.00 #10 Jarom Hansen 05/10
41'09.00 Caden Call 05/14
41'04.50 Kavika Fonua 3/09
40'08.00 Spencer Woodhall 05/10
38'08.00 Bradley Sherman 3/28
36'10.00 Zach Watson 3/09
36'05.50 Shane Russell 3/09
35'08.50 Nicholas Merriman 3/09
33'03.50 Stefan Kurzius 05/02
24'04.00 Sean Marchant 04/18
16'05.00 Hyrum Cook 04/25
159'02 #3 Bradley Sherman 04/28
130'03 #4 Nicholas Merriman 05/09
125'11 #6 Braiden Tovey 05/09
120'00 #9 Spencer Hull 04/20
117'09 Spencer Woodhall 05/14
116'05 Jarom Hansen 05/09
93'01 Shane Russell 3/09
93'00 Steven Carter 05/09
89'06 Zach Watson 3/09
77'06 Tom Hill 3/09
69'06 Caden Call 03/21
51'03 Hyrum Cook 04/25
158'00 CR #2 Mason Woodward 05/19
137'07 #7 Shane Russell 04/18
134'10 #9 Brad Sherman 3/09
129'05 #10 Keaton Jones 03/14
121'07 Jake Zaugg 3/09
120'10 Zach Watson 04/11
118'09 Alex Vanderloo 03/28
117'04 Jarom Hansen 03/28
113'10 Matt Dunston 03/21
112'02 Nick Merriman 04/18
107'08 Spencer Hull 3/09
103'05 Austin VanVoris 04/18
100'01 Jake Garver 03/21
99'08 Nick Rizer 05/02
99'07 Trevor Olsen 03/28
79'07 Spencer Woodhall 04/18
79'07 Mark Kellmer 05/02
66'05 Sean Marchant 04/18
54'04 Stefan Kurzius 3/09
49'03 Hyrum Cook 05/02
15.13 SR Jaxon Worthen 05/05
15.36 %3 Shane Russell 05/09
16.87 #6 Ashton Bigelow 05/09
17.04* Stefan Kurzius 03/14
17.07 #7 Karson Nielson 3/09
17.83 #9 Stefan Kurzius 03/21
40.47 #2 Shane Russell 05/09
41.06 #3 Mike Russell 05/19
41.07 CR #4 Jake Garver 05/04
41.66 #5 Ashton Bigelow 04/28
42.26 #7 Brandon Yardley 04/11
43.52 #8 Karson Nielson 03/28
44.12 Josh Thalman 05/14
45.09 Austin Van Voris 05/02
46.24 Brock Anderson 04/18
47.33 Jaxon Worthen 03/21
47.44 Cameron Dower 03/21
49.00 Nicholas Merriman 04/18
49.23 Brayden Ryan 05/02
50.01 Trevor Olsen 3/09
50.54 Stefan Kurzius 03/21
100m DASH
11.10 #2 Kavika Fonua 05/19
11.24 #3 Jake Garver 05/18
11.41 #4 Alex Vanderloo 05/09
11.46w Michael Phelps 04/25
11.55w Jeff Knighton 04/25
11.56w Will Haddick 04/25
11.67 #9 Brennan O’Neil 05/09
11.72 %6 Michael Phelps 04/20
11.77 Zach Watson 04/11
11.78w Jace Skidmore 04/25
11.80 Will Haddick 04/11
11.81 Kiwa Mo’o 05/02
11.86 Cayden Feldt 05/14
11.86 Brock Anderson 05/09
11.87 Jake Zaugg 05/02
11.90 Jeff Knighton 3/09
11.93w Shane Russell 04/25
11.95w Jorge Lopez 04/25
11.95 Ashton Bigelow 05/02
12.04 Jace Skidmore 04/11
12.07w Austin Evans 04/25
12.13 Trevor Olsen 05/14
12.14 Jorge Lopez 05/14
12.14* Stefan Kurzius 03/14
12.16 Mason Woodward 04/11
12.18w Cameron Dower 04/25
12.22 Austin Evans 05/02
12.23 Gus Salazar 04/11
12.24 Cameron Dower 04/11
12.28 Jordan Bush 05/14
12.29 Josh Thalman 3/09
12.35 Matt Kealamakia 05/09
12.40w Kyler Roberts 04/25
12.50 Matt Dunston 3/09
12.52 Kyler Roberts 04/18
12.54* Josh Homer 03/14
12.55 Jaxon Worthen 05/02
12.71 Brayden Ryan 03/21
12.78 Pedro Aviles 3/09
12.88 Nick Rizer 03/21
13.54 Gregg Marchant 05/02
200m DASH
22.83 #2 Jake Garver 05/02
22.84 CR #3 Alex Vanderloo 05/09
23.09 #4 Matt Dunston 04/20
23.29 #6 Brennan O’Neil 05/10
23.37 #8 Kavika Fonua 04/20
23.49 Jeff Knighton 05/02
23.57 %9 Michael Phelps 04/20
23.90 Brock Anderson 05/02
23.97 Koa Mo’o 05/02
23.98 Brandon Yardley 3/09
24.07 Zach Watson 04/25
24.14 Will Haddick 05/02
24.27 Ashton Bigelow 05/02
24.36 Jaxon Worthen 04/25
24.51 Gus Salazar 05/02
24.54 Kiwa Mo’o 05/02
24.58 Cameron Dower 04/18
24.62 Jake Zaugg 04/18
24.87 Josh Thalman 3/09
24.97 Mike Russell 3/09
25.01 Jordan Bush 05/09
25.16 Deondre Watson 04/25
25.31 Kyler Roberts 04/18
25.33 Trevor Olsen 05/02
25.34 Daniel Pehrson 05/02
25.44 Mason Woodward 05/02
25.65 Cayden Feldt 04/18
25.81 Austin Van Voris 04/25
25.83 Brayden Ryan 04/18
26.14 Jorge Lopez 05/14
26.30 Josh Homer 3/09
26.60 Matt Kealamakia 04/18
26.84* Stefan Kurzius 03/14
28.07 Spencer Woodhall 05/02
32.31 Hyrum Cook 05/02
32.34* Spencer Hull 03/14
400m DASH
48.7r Jaxon Hansen 05/19
48.8r Brandon Yardley 05/19
50.11 CR #2 Brandon Yardley 05/19
50.4r Matt Dunston 05/19
50.7r Jeff Knighton 05/19
50.8r Mike Russell 05/19
50.85 #6 Jaxon Hansen 04/18
50.90 #7 Jeff Knighton 05/04
50.95 #8 Matt Dunston 05/04
51.8r Zach Watson 04/07
52.0r Landon Greenhalgh 04/20
53.11 Landon Greenhalgh 04/11
53.34 Will Haddick 05/15
53.6r Mike Russell 03/28
54.08 Brock Anderson 04/20
54.11 Alex Vanderloo 04/18
54.32 Cameron Dower 05/09
54.63 Nick Rizer 05/02
54.66 Jake Garver 3/09
55.27 Jace Skidmore 04/20
55.77 Gus Salazar 05/02
56.16 Cody Kelley 04/18
56.34* Shane Russell 03/14
56.46 Josh Thalman 04/11
56.61 Kavika Fonua 04/18
56.93 Nick Rizer 3/09
57.29 Josh Homer 04/18
57.4r Trevor Olsen 03/14
57.53 Brayden Ryan 03/21
58.70 Jordan Bush 3/09
59.0r Austin Van Voris 03/14
59.78 Deondre Watson 04/11
59.85 Austin Evans 04/18
800m RUN
1:53.53 SR Jaxon Hansen 05/19
1:54.94 #2 Brandon Yardley 04/07
1:58.5r Landon Greenhalgh 05/19
1:59.80 #6 Landon Greenhalgh 05/05
1:59.9r Mike Russell 05/05
2:07.1 %9 Mike Russell 03/14
2:07.44* #10 Parker Greenhalgh 04/25
2:10.71 Nick Rizer 04/20
2:12.4 Cody Kelley 04/11
2:13.0 Tom Hill 04/11
2:16.8 Josh Homer 03/14
2:17.6 Micah Read 03/14
2:20.31 Brayden Ryan 03/28
2:23.9 Michael Phelps 04/11
2:23.9 Jeff Reed 03/21
2:28.03 Zach Griffin 04/20
2:29.76 Gregg Marchant 05/10
2:30.9 Brady Cook 05/02
2:31.08 Jared Godfrey 04/14
2:46.2 Nicholas Merriman 04/11
2:55.62 Sean Marchant 05/14
3:11.9 Mark Kellmer 3/09
1600m RUN
4:25.36 #3 Brandon Yardley 04/28
4:26.14 #4 Jaxon Hansen 05/09
4:33.71 #6 Landon Greenhalgh 05/09
4:35.79 #7 Parker Greenhalgh 05/09
4:38.57 CR #8 Cody Kelley 05/09
4:48.43 Tom Hill 05/09
4:59.34 Frank Owens 04/20
5:10.47 Nathan Seffker 05/14
5:12.5 Jeff Reed 04/25
5:14.6 %9 Mike Russell 3/09
5:29.57 Jared Godfrey 05/14
5:31.7 Brady Cook 05/02
5:39.4 Zach Griffin 05/02
5:42.0 Josh Homer 04/11
5:48.9 Gregg Marchant 04/18
6:40.1 Sean Marchant 04/25
6:42.79 Mark Kellmer 03/28
3200m RUN
9:58.39 #3 Jaxon Hansen 03/27
10:09.77 #4 Brandon Yardley 04/20
10:10.31 CR #5 Parker Greenhalgh 05/10
10:26.14 CR #7 Cody Kelley 04/14
10:39.29 #10 Tom Hill 05/10
10:41.81 Frank Owens 05/02
11:33.6 Nathan Seffker 03/14
12:01.4 Jeff Reed 03/27
13:00.4 Brady Cook 05/02
14:01.9 Zach Griffin 03/14
14:35.8 Nicholas Merriman 03/14
15:15.1 Tom Lakey 04/18
15:49.7 Mark Kellmer 03/14
4x100m RELAY
43.17 SR Kavika Fonua, Jake Garver, Zach Watson, Alex Vanderloo 05/05
43.40 Jake Zaugg, Jake Garver, Jeff Knighton, Zach Watson 05/19
44.11 Kavika Fonua, Jake Garver, Zach Watson, Jake Zaugg 05/10
45.05 Jace Skidmore, Brennan O’Neil, Brock Anderson, Jaxon Worthen 04/28
45.07 Jake Zaugg, Alex Vanderloo, Zach Watson, Matt Dunston 04/11
45.15 Mason Woodward, Jake Garver, Brock Anderson, Kavika Fonua 03/28
3:35.61 Jake Zaugg, Jeff Knighton, Mike Russell, Landon Greenhalgh 05/19
3:38.89 Brennan O’Neil, Jake Garver, Jaxon Hansen, Brandon Yardley 04/14
3:39.22 Alex Vanderloo, Jake Garver, Will Haddick, Mike Russell 05/05
3:39.75 Jake Zaugg, Will Haddick, Jeff Knighton, Landon Greenhalgh 05/19
3:46.09 Jake Zaugg, Zach Watson, Will Haddick, Landon Greenhalgh 05/10
3:45.84 Alex Vanderloo, Jake Garver, Jeff Knighton, Parker Greenhalgh 04/28
3:47.88 Brennan O’Neil, Shane Russell, Will Haddick, Landon Greenhalgh 03/31
3:51.9 Jake Zaugg, Zach Watson, Will Haddick, Landon Greenhalgh 03/14
4x400m RELAY
3:18.88 SR Jeff Knighton, Matt Dunston, Brandon Yardley Jaxon Hansen 05/19
3:25.10 Jaxon Hansen, Matt Dunston, Landon Greenhalgh, Brandon Yardley 04/28
3:27.10 Mike Russell, Matt Dunston, Jaxon Hansen, Brandon Yardley 03/28
3:38.97 Jeff Knighton, Will Haddick, Brandon Yardley, Jaxon Hansen 05/10
3:30.88 Cameron Dower, Landon Greenhalgh, Matt Dunston, Jaxon Hansen 04/20
3:36.88 Mike Russell, Will Haddick, Alex Vanderloo, Jeff Knighton 04/28
3:37.0 Jaxon Hansen, Brandon Yardley, Matt Dunston, Alex Vanderloo 04/18
3:39.18 Mike Russell, Jeff Knighton, Will Haddick, Alex Vanderloo 04/14
3:40.9 Will Haddick, Mike Russell, Cameron Dower, Landon Greenhalgh 04/18
4x200m RELAY
1:34.66 SR Brock Anderson, Brennan O’Neil, Cameron Dower, Alex Vanderloo 04/14
4x800m RELAY
8:41.03 Parker Greenhalgh, Tom Hill, Cody Kelley, Landon Greenghalgh 04/14
8:50.99 Nick Rizer, Tom Hill, Cody Kelley, Parker Greenhalgh 04/28
10:28.76 SR Jaxon Hansen, Zach Watson, Landon Greenhalgh, Brandon Yardley 04/07
SR = School Record
CR = Class Record
# = Place on All-Time List
% = Already on All-Time List with superior mark
r = Relay Split
* Converted from Handheld to FAT equivalent
= State Qualifying Mark
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Syracuse Outdoor Track Records by Class
Sophomore 4'10.00 Rachelle Holden 2010
Junior 5'00.00 Rylee Garver 2010
5'00.00 Sarah Sperry 2011
5'00.00 Jaycie Smith 2012
Senior 5'01.00 Sarah Sperry 2012
Sophomore 16'04.00 Ali Morris 2011
Junior 16'02.00 Ali Morris 2012
Senior 16'06.50 Courtney Lemmons 2012
Sophomore 8'03.00 Mallory Ashby 2012
Junior 7'06.00 Meagan Butler 2009
7'06.00 Jaylen Hernandez 2011
Senior 9'00.00 Michelle Thurgood 2012
Sophomore 37'02.50 Jessica Pauni 2008
Junior 38'04.50 Jessica Pauni 2009
Senior 36'07.00 Jessica Pauni 2010
Sophomore 95'11 Ashley Hunzeker 2008
Junior 105'00 Jessica Pauni 2009
Senior 120'06 Jessica Pauni 2010
Sophomore 91'10 Ashley Hunzeker 2008
Junior 100'01 Ashley Hunzeker 2009
Senior 116'00 April Bassinger 2011
Sophomore 15.68 Ali Morris 2011
Junior 15.60 Sasha Russell 2009
Senior 15.31 Sasha Russell 2010
Sophomore 50.79 Sasha Russell 2008
Junior 47.68 McKayla Williams 2008
Senior 46.11 McKayla Williams 2009
100m DASH
Sophomore 12.96 Mayra Franco 2009
Junior 12.58 Mayra Franco 2010
Senior 12.20 Mayra Franco 2011
200m DASH
Sophomore 27.03 Lindsey McFarland 2009
Junior 26.47 Mayra Franco 2010
Senior 25.28 Mayra Franco 2011
400m DASH
Sophomore 58.84 Lindsey McFarland 2009
Junior 58.18 Lindsey McFarland 2010
Senior 58.37 Lindsey McFarland 2011
800m RUN
Sophomore 2:22.26 Hannah Williams 2008
Junior 2:21.28 Hannah Williams 2009
Senior 2:18.88 Hannah Williams 2010
1600m RUN
Sophomore 5:19.43 Hannah Williams 2008
Junior 5:09.41 Hannah Williams 2009
Senior 5:03.87 Hannah Williams 2010
3200m RUN
Sophomore 11:57.65 Sharlie Dimick 2011
Junior 11:27.72 Hannah Williams 2009
Senior 11:22.19 Hannah Williams 2010
Sophomore 5'10.00 Nick Winegar 2009
5'10.00 Jaxon Worthen 2011
5'10.00 Deondre Watson 2012
Junior 6'04.00 Tanner Burton 2008
Senior 6'02.00 Tanner Burton 2009
6'02.00 Jamison Nielson 2011
Sophomore 19'11.00 Myles Peterson 2010
Junior 20'10.50 Jace Skidmore 2012
Senior 21'11.00 Cory Serfoss 2011
Sophomore 12'00.00 Jacob Zaugg 2010
Junior 14'00.00 Zach Watson 2011
Senior 15'02.00 Zach Watson 2012
Sophomore 47'05.00 Hunter Naisbitt 2009
Junior 54'00.50 Hunter Naisbitt 2010
Senior 56'10.50 Hunter Naisbitt 2011
Sophomore 148'08 Aaron Hill 2008
Junior 164'08 Aaron Hill 2009
Senior 181'02 Hunter Naisbitt 2011
Sophomore 132'11 Tyler Siddoway 2008
Junior 158'00 Mason Woodward 2012
Senior 174'08 Tanner Russell 2010
Sophomore 16.06 Chris Jackson 2008
Junior 15.13 Jaxon Worthen 2012
Senior 15.27 Chris Jackson 2010
Sophomore 42.60 Chris Jackson 2008
Junior 41.07 Jake Garver 2012
Senior 40.28 Chris Jackson 2010
100m DASH
Sophomore 10.92 Tyrell Yardley 2008
Junior 10.67 Tyrell Yardley 2009
Senior 11.32 Anthony Winegar 2009
200m DASH
Sophomore 21.94 Tyrell Yardley 2008
Junior 21.17 Tyrell Yardley 2009
Senior 22.84 Alex Vanderloo 2012
400m DASH
Sophomore 53.19 Jake Garver 2011
Junior 47.46 Tyrell Yardley 2009
Senior 50.11 Brandon Yardley 2012
800m RUN
Sophomore 2:04.42 Weston Atkins 2009
Junior 1:57.09 Jaxon Hansen 2011
Senior 1:53.53 Jaxon Hansen 2012
1600m RUN
Sophomore 4:38.57 Cody Kelley 2012
Junior 4:27.65 Austin Costley 2009
Senior 4:22.79 Jake Rossmango 2010
3200m RUN
Sophomore 10:26.14 Cody Kelley 2012
Junior 10:10.31 Parker Greenhalgh 2012
Senior 9:46.74 Austin Costley 2010
Sophomore 4'10.00 Rachelle Holden 2010
Junior 5'00.00 Rylee Garver 2010
5'00.00 Sarah Sperry 2011
5'00.00 Jaycie Smith 2012
Senior 5'01.00 Sarah Sperry 2012
Sophomore 16'04.00 Ali Morris 2011
Junior 16'02.00 Ali Morris 2012
Senior 16'06.50 Courtney Lemmons 2012
Sophomore 8'03.00 Mallory Ashby 2012
Junior 7'06.00 Meagan Butler 2009
7'06.00 Jaylen Hernandez 2011
Senior 9'00.00 Michelle Thurgood 2012
Sophomore 37'02.50 Jessica Pauni 2008
Junior 38'04.50 Jessica Pauni 2009
Senior 36'07.00 Jessica Pauni 2010
Sophomore 95'11 Ashley Hunzeker 2008
Junior 105'00 Jessica Pauni 2009
Senior 120'06 Jessica Pauni 2010
Sophomore 91'10 Ashley Hunzeker 2008
Junior 100'01 Ashley Hunzeker 2009
Senior 116'00 April Bassinger 2011
Sophomore 15.68 Ali Morris 2011
Junior 15.60 Sasha Russell 2009
Senior 15.31 Sasha Russell 2010
Sophomore 50.79 Sasha Russell 2008
Junior 47.68 McKayla Williams 2008
Senior 46.11 McKayla Williams 2009
100m DASH
Sophomore 12.96 Mayra Franco 2009
Junior 12.58 Mayra Franco 2010
Senior 12.20 Mayra Franco 2011
200m DASH
Sophomore 27.03 Lindsey McFarland 2009
Junior 26.47 Mayra Franco 2010
Senior 25.28 Mayra Franco 2011
400m DASH
Sophomore 58.84 Lindsey McFarland 2009
Junior 58.18 Lindsey McFarland 2010
Senior 58.37 Lindsey McFarland 2011
800m RUN
Sophomore 2:22.26 Hannah Williams 2008
Junior 2:21.28 Hannah Williams 2009
Senior 2:18.88 Hannah Williams 2010
1600m RUN
Sophomore 5:19.43 Hannah Williams 2008
Junior 5:09.41 Hannah Williams 2009
Senior 5:03.87 Hannah Williams 2010
3200m RUN
Sophomore 11:57.65 Sharlie Dimick 2011
Junior 11:27.72 Hannah Williams 2009
Senior 11:22.19 Hannah Williams 2010
Sophomore 5'10.00 Nick Winegar 2009
5'10.00 Jaxon Worthen 2011
5'10.00 Deondre Watson 2012
Junior 6'04.00 Tanner Burton 2008
Senior 6'02.00 Tanner Burton 2009
6'02.00 Jamison Nielson 2011
Sophomore 19'11.00 Myles Peterson 2010
Junior 20'10.50 Jace Skidmore 2012
Senior 21'11.00 Cory Serfoss 2011
Sophomore 12'00.00 Jacob Zaugg 2010
Junior 14'00.00 Zach Watson 2011
Senior 15'02.00 Zach Watson 2012
Sophomore 47'05.00 Hunter Naisbitt 2009
Junior 54'00.50 Hunter Naisbitt 2010
Senior 56'10.50 Hunter Naisbitt 2011
Sophomore 148'08 Aaron Hill 2008
Junior 164'08 Aaron Hill 2009
Senior 181'02 Hunter Naisbitt 2011
Sophomore 132'11 Tyler Siddoway 2008
Junior 158'00 Mason Woodward 2012
Senior 174'08 Tanner Russell 2010
Sophomore 16.06 Chris Jackson 2008
Junior 15.13 Jaxon Worthen 2012
Senior 15.27 Chris Jackson 2010
Sophomore 42.60 Chris Jackson 2008
Junior 41.07 Jake Garver 2012
Senior 40.28 Chris Jackson 2010
100m DASH
Sophomore 10.92 Tyrell Yardley 2008
Junior 10.67 Tyrell Yardley 2009
Senior 11.32 Anthony Winegar 2009
200m DASH
Sophomore 21.94 Tyrell Yardley 2008
Junior 21.17 Tyrell Yardley 2009
Senior 22.84 Alex Vanderloo 2012
400m DASH
Sophomore 53.19 Jake Garver 2011
Junior 47.46 Tyrell Yardley 2009
Senior 50.11 Brandon Yardley 2012
800m RUN
Sophomore 2:04.42 Weston Atkins 2009
Junior 1:57.09 Jaxon Hansen 2011
Senior 1:53.53 Jaxon Hansen 2012
1600m RUN
Sophomore 4:38.57 Cody Kelley 2012
Junior 4:27.65 Austin Costley 2009
Senior 4:22.79 Jake Rossmango 2010
3200m RUN
Sophomore 10:26.14 Cody Kelley 2012
Junior 10:10.31 Parker Greenhalgh 2012
Senior 9:46.74 Austin Costley 2010
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Titan Track Bulletin - May 13, 2012
Thanks to everyone that helped make the Region Championships as well as the Junior High North End Championships a huge success. The “usual suspects” went far beyond the expected to make sure that things ran smoothly. A special thanks to the coaches for all of their help. Without your help, it would have been impossible to host either meet, let alone both of them. Your love of the sport and commitment to excellence as an athlete, coach or official was very evident. THANKS!!
The Boys repeated their 2nd place finish from last year and the Girls moved up a spot to 4th. Great weather and great efforts made for a very successful meet.
The Girls competition was especially tough with Davis, Fremont and Weber in the field. They could very possibly go 1-2-3 at State. Courtney Lemmons had the girls top performance of the meet as her 16'06" mark in the long jump placed 4th and qualified her for State. Brittney Martin’s 35'04 toss in the shot put placed 3rd and she also is off to State. All three relays earned a spot at State with 3rd-place finishes. Courtney and Rachell Lemmons, Sam Segura and Shelby Cadwell ran 52.79 to earn their spot at BYU. Sam, Shelby, Mallory Ashby and Sharlie Dimick finished 3rd in the medley relay running a season’s best 4:29.62. Sam, Sarah Sperry, Cheyna Field and Katrina Dunlap also punched their ticket to State running 4:16.38 in the 4x400m relay. In a highlight event, Michelle Thurgood won the pole vault clearing a school record 8'05. Mallory Ashby and Jaylen Hernandez cleared 7'06 to finish 3rd and 4th. This event is not contested at State but nevertheless, it was a great achievement by the lady vaulters.
Other Lady Titans placing but missing out on the top four State Qualifying spots were:
Katrina Dunlap, 5th 400m dash, 1:02.21;
Cheyna Field, 6th 800m run, 2:25.26;
Jaycie Smith, Sarah Sperry, Marisa Guy, 5th place tie high jump, 4'09.
The Boys had some outstanding efforts securing many spots at the State Championships. In the 100m dash, Kavika Fonua (2nd, 11.19, #2 all-time) and Jake Garver (4th, 11.42) will run again in Provo. Jaxon Worthen (1st, 15.42) and Shane Russell (3rd, 15.58) qualified in the 110m hurdles. Shane (1st, 40.47, #2 all-time), Jake Garver (3rd, 41.26) and Mike Russell (4th, 41.44, #4 all-time) will represent the Titans in the 300m hurdles. Jaxon Hansen (1st, 1:55.06) and Brandon Yardley (2nd, 1:55.85) ran great races to qualify in the 800m run. Jaxon’s time was a new Region One and Stadium Record. While the stadium hasn’t been around long, the Region records go back over three decades. Brennan O’Neil (3rd, 23.29, #6 all-time) and Matt Dunston (4th, 23.30) qualified in the 200m dash. Alex Vanderloo ran 22.84 in the 200m trials to qualify for State but pulled up a little lame and was held out of finals. Jeff Knighton’s 3rd place finish in the 400m dash in 51.55 earned him two (hopefully) more races at State. Brad Sherman won the discus throwing 151'05 and Spencer Hull the shot put with a toss of 50'00. Spencer’s mark is the #3 all-time at Syracuse. Jace Skidmore jumped 20'10.50 to place 4th in the long jump. That is the #2 all-time mark. Mason Woodward’s big PR toss in the javelin of 154'00 placed 3rd and is the #4 all-time mark. And in the pole vault, the “dynamic duo” of Zach Watson (15'00) and Jake Zaugg (14'00) went one-two. Zach’s clearance ties his school record. All three relays had previously qualified for State, but had great performances in scoring big points. Fonua, Garver, Watson and Zaugg ran 44.11 to finish 3rd. Zaugg, Watson, Will Haddick and Landon Greenhalgh also finished 3rd in the medley relay following a circus-type first handoff. And in an exciting climax to the meet, Knighton, Dunston, Yardley and Hansen ran away from the field to win the 4x400m relay in 3:28.97.
Other Titans scoring included:
Dunston, 6th, 400m dash, 52.27;
Ashton Bigelow, 5th, 300m hurdles, 41.81;
Hansen and Yardley, 5th and 6th, 1600m run, 4:26.14 and 4:30.06);
Will Haddick, 7th pole vault, 11'02, #6 all-time);
Nick Merriman, 6th discus, 130'03, #5 all-time) and 8th pole vault (9'08);
Steven Carter, 6th shot put, 43'10;
Braiden Tovey, 7th shot put, 42'11 and 8th discus, 125'11, #6 all-time;
Jarom Hansen, 8th shot put, 42'02.
There were many other great performances just out of the scoring. Distance runners Maddy Neyts, Erin Kibler (12:28, #3 all-time in the 3200), Becca Jacobsen, Katelyn Davidson, Adriana McFarland, Landon Greenhalgh (4:33.71, #7 all-time 1600m), Parker Greenhalgh (4:35.79, #7 all-time 1600m), Cody Kelley (4:38.57, #8 all-time and class record in th 1600m), Tom Hill (10:39.29, #10 all-time 3200m) all had major PR’s in their events. Spencer Woodhall had a 3' PR in the shot put and Jordan Bush big PR’s in the long jump and 200m dash.
It was a bittersweet meet as is was great to see so many outstanding performances. At the same time is was sad thinking that for the seniors, it was their last meet on the Titan track. There were some great memories established over the last three years and some great friendships. It’s going to hard to replace this great class of 2012.
Complete results of the meet can be found at: www.runnercard.com.
Chosen as Athletes of the Week were Shelby Cadwell, Austin Van Voris, Brayden Ryan, Frank Owens, Gregg Marchant and Mason Woodward. Some great, supportive seniors- and Mason!!
ALL sophomores will compete at the JV/Sophomore Region meet at Layton Tuesday. And any juniors or seniors that want one more meet can compete in events in which they were not entered into Varsity Region. The meet will begin at 3:00.
Everyone that wants to go to State is invited. The bus will leave at 5:30 each day. I need to know by Wednesday if you want to go so I can put you on an excused list. It should be an exciting two days and we can use support from the entire TEAM.
Hannah Williams ran 4:48.61 to place 6th in the 1500m run at the WAC Championships. Mayra Franco ran 12.36 in the 100m dash and 25.35 in the 200m dash at the Summit Conference Championships. She missed finals by one spot in each race. Jake Rossmango placed 9th in the 3000 steeplechase at the Mountain West Championships. All have now finished up their seasons.
Avoid the fine list by turning in your uniforms after school Thursday, May 24th. Bring them to Room 2118 immediately after school. If you can’t make it, bring them in early.
The meeting to hand out summer training and racing schedules will be held Thursday, May 24th in Room 2604. It will begin at about 3:30. This will give you time to turn in your uniforms and give Jr. High students a chance to get to the school.
The Titan Decathlon is tentatively set for Tuesday and Wednesday, May 20/21. Let’s see who the best all-around athlete is. Open to ALL members of the TEAM. Including the Ladies.
Thursday, May 24th seems to have the fewest conflicts. It that works with most, we will have our annual grand finale at 5:00 pm. Parents are invited.
May 15 - JV/Sophomore Region @ Layton
May 18/19 - State Championships @ BYU
May 22/23 - Titan Decathlon
May 24 - Uniform Check-In
May 24 - 2012 Cross Country Meeting
May 24 - TEAM Barbecue / Awards @ 5:00 pm
June 2 - Great Southwest Classic
Thanks to everyone that helped make the Region Championships as well as the Junior High North End Championships a huge success. The “usual suspects” went far beyond the expected to make sure that things ran smoothly. A special thanks to the coaches for all of their help. Without your help, it would have been impossible to host either meet, let alone both of them. Your love of the sport and commitment to excellence as an athlete, coach or official was very evident. THANKS!!
The Boys repeated their 2nd place finish from last year and the Girls moved up a spot to 4th. Great weather and great efforts made for a very successful meet.
The Girls competition was especially tough with Davis, Fremont and Weber in the field. They could very possibly go 1-2-3 at State. Courtney Lemmons had the girls top performance of the meet as her 16'06" mark in the long jump placed 4th and qualified her for State. Brittney Martin’s 35'04 toss in the shot put placed 3rd and she also is off to State. All three relays earned a spot at State with 3rd-place finishes. Courtney and Rachell Lemmons, Sam Segura and Shelby Cadwell ran 52.79 to earn their spot at BYU. Sam, Shelby, Mallory Ashby and Sharlie Dimick finished 3rd in the medley relay running a season’s best 4:29.62. Sam, Sarah Sperry, Cheyna Field and Katrina Dunlap also punched their ticket to State running 4:16.38 in the 4x400m relay. In a highlight event, Michelle Thurgood won the pole vault clearing a school record 8'05. Mallory Ashby and Jaylen Hernandez cleared 7'06 to finish 3rd and 4th. This event is not contested at State but nevertheless, it was a great achievement by the lady vaulters.
Other Lady Titans placing but missing out on the top four State Qualifying spots were:
Katrina Dunlap, 5th 400m dash, 1:02.21;
Cheyna Field, 6th 800m run, 2:25.26;
Jaycie Smith, Sarah Sperry, Marisa Guy, 5th place tie high jump, 4'09.
The Boys had some outstanding efforts securing many spots at the State Championships. In the 100m dash, Kavika Fonua (2nd, 11.19, #2 all-time) and Jake Garver (4th, 11.42) will run again in Provo. Jaxon Worthen (1st, 15.42) and Shane Russell (3rd, 15.58) qualified in the 110m hurdles. Shane (1st, 40.47, #2 all-time), Jake Garver (3rd, 41.26) and Mike Russell (4th, 41.44, #4 all-time) will represent the Titans in the 300m hurdles. Jaxon Hansen (1st, 1:55.06) and Brandon Yardley (2nd, 1:55.85) ran great races to qualify in the 800m run. Jaxon’s time was a new Region One and Stadium Record. While the stadium hasn’t been around long, the Region records go back over three decades. Brennan O’Neil (3rd, 23.29, #6 all-time) and Matt Dunston (4th, 23.30) qualified in the 200m dash. Alex Vanderloo ran 22.84 in the 200m trials to qualify for State but pulled up a little lame and was held out of finals. Jeff Knighton’s 3rd place finish in the 400m dash in 51.55 earned him two (hopefully) more races at State. Brad Sherman won the discus throwing 151'05 and Spencer Hull the shot put with a toss of 50'00. Spencer’s mark is the #3 all-time at Syracuse. Jace Skidmore jumped 20'10.50 to place 4th in the long jump. That is the #2 all-time mark. Mason Woodward’s big PR toss in the javelin of 154'00 placed 3rd and is the #4 all-time mark. And in the pole vault, the “dynamic duo” of Zach Watson (15'00) and Jake Zaugg (14'00) went one-two. Zach’s clearance ties his school record. All three relays had previously qualified for State, but had great performances in scoring big points. Fonua, Garver, Watson and Zaugg ran 44.11 to finish 3rd. Zaugg, Watson, Will Haddick and Landon Greenhalgh also finished 3rd in the medley relay following a circus-type first handoff. And in an exciting climax to the meet, Knighton, Dunston, Yardley and Hansen ran away from the field to win the 4x400m relay in 3:28.97.
Other Titans scoring included:
Dunston, 6th, 400m dash, 52.27;
Ashton Bigelow, 5th, 300m hurdles, 41.81;
Hansen and Yardley, 5th and 6th, 1600m run, 4:26.14 and 4:30.06);
Will Haddick, 7th pole vault, 11'02, #6 all-time);
Nick Merriman, 6th discus, 130'03, #5 all-time) and 8th pole vault (9'08);
Steven Carter, 6th shot put, 43'10;
Braiden Tovey, 7th shot put, 42'11 and 8th discus, 125'11, #6 all-time;
Jarom Hansen, 8th shot put, 42'02.
There were many other great performances just out of the scoring. Distance runners Maddy Neyts, Erin Kibler (12:28, #3 all-time in the 3200), Becca Jacobsen, Katelyn Davidson, Adriana McFarland, Landon Greenhalgh (4:33.71, #7 all-time 1600m), Parker Greenhalgh (4:35.79, #7 all-time 1600m), Cody Kelley (4:38.57, #8 all-time and class record in th 1600m), Tom Hill (10:39.29, #10 all-time 3200m) all had major PR’s in their events. Spencer Woodhall had a 3' PR in the shot put and Jordan Bush big PR’s in the long jump and 200m dash.
It was a bittersweet meet as is was great to see so many outstanding performances. At the same time is was sad thinking that for the seniors, it was their last meet on the Titan track. There were some great memories established over the last three years and some great friendships. It’s going to hard to replace this great class of 2012.
Complete results of the meet can be found at: www.runnercard.com.
Chosen as Athletes of the Week were Shelby Cadwell, Austin Van Voris, Brayden Ryan, Frank Owens, Gregg Marchant and Mason Woodward. Some great, supportive seniors- and Mason!!
ALL sophomores will compete at the JV/Sophomore Region meet at Layton Tuesday. And any juniors or seniors that want one more meet can compete in events in which they were not entered into Varsity Region. The meet will begin at 3:00.
Everyone that wants to go to State is invited. The bus will leave at 5:30 each day. I need to know by Wednesday if you want to go so I can put you on an excused list. It should be an exciting two days and we can use support from the entire TEAM.
Hannah Williams ran 4:48.61 to place 6th in the 1500m run at the WAC Championships. Mayra Franco ran 12.36 in the 100m dash and 25.35 in the 200m dash at the Summit Conference Championships. She missed finals by one spot in each race. Jake Rossmango placed 9th in the 3000 steeplechase at the Mountain West Championships. All have now finished up their seasons.
Avoid the fine list by turning in your uniforms after school Thursday, May 24th. Bring them to Room 2118 immediately after school. If you can’t make it, bring them in early.
The meeting to hand out summer training and racing schedules will be held Thursday, May 24th in Room 2604. It will begin at about 3:30. This will give you time to turn in your uniforms and give Jr. High students a chance to get to the school.
The Titan Decathlon is tentatively set for Tuesday and Wednesday, May 20/21. Let’s see who the best all-around athlete is. Open to ALL members of the TEAM. Including the Ladies.
Thursday, May 24th seems to have the fewest conflicts. It that works with most, we will have our annual grand finale at 5:00 pm. Parents are invited.
May 15 - JV/Sophomore Region @ Layton
May 18/19 - State Championships @ BYU
May 22/23 - Titan Decathlon
May 24 - Uniform Check-In
May 24 - 2012 Cross Country Meeting
May 24 - TEAM Barbecue / Awards @ 5:00 pm
June 2 - Great Southwest Classic
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Titan Track Bulletin - May 6, 2012
This just in: Ashley Perczak, Michelle Thurgood, Steven Carter and Jeff Knighton were all named to the 5A Academic All-State Team. All four sport a 4.0 GPA. This is a great honor to wind up four years of hard work in the classroom as well as on the field of competition. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Our final region dual meet with Layton resulted in two victories for the Titans. The Girls won 93-38 and the Boys 111-30. There were some impressive performances in the rather low-key meet. Kenzie Long was a double winner picking up victories in the 100m hurdles (17.20) and 300m hurdles (51.29). Courtney Lemmons also picked up a pair of wins in the 100m dash (13.29) and long jump (16'00). Both marks are high on the all-time list.
Shane Russell swept the hurdles with victories in the 110's (15.67) and 300's (41.35). Jake Garver and Alex Vanderloo went one-two in the 200m dash with the #2 and #3 all-time marks. Their times were 22.83 and 22.84. Cardon Malan’s 46'01 in the shot put was good enough to win and the #6 all-time mark. Frank Owens also moved onto the all-time list with his 10:41.2 victory in the3200m run. Zach Watson improved on his school record in the pole vault with a 15'00 clearance.
The meet set the stage for some great performances at BYU.
Seven hours on a bus + 19 hours of intense track action = the best overall finish at the BYU Invitational we’ve achieved. This is the oldest and largest track and field meet in Utah. With over 70 schools from Utah, Idaho and Wyoming in the 3A-5A classification, the Boys 51-points was good enough to tie for 2nd place with Riverton. Region rival Davis won the meet. In combined Boys/Girls scoring, the Titans finished 4th behind Davis, Riverton and Bingham. With three classifications and teams from out of state competing, this meet is much harder to score in than State.
Brittney Martin had the top finish for the Girls as her 36'06.75 throw in the shot put was good enough to place 5th. That is the #2 mark on the Titan All-Time list. Michelle Thurgood cleared 8'00 in the pole vault to place 6th. Jaylen Hernandez and Mallory Ashby made it over 7'06 to finish 7th and 8th. Many performances were very big even though they didn’t score points. Kenzie Long PR’d in the 100m hurdles running 17.06, the #5 all-time mark. Cheyna Field had a big PR in the 800m run (2:25.08, #2 all-time)) and Sharlie Dimick had a seasonal best in the 1600m run (5:27.29, just off her #2 all-time mark set last year). Katrina Dunlap’s 1:01.56 in the 400m dash is the #5 all-time mark. Cheyna, Katrina, Sam Segura and Sarah Sperry all ran great legs in the 4x400m relay to finish in 4:10.89, a five-second seasonal best mark. And in the toughest performance of the meet, Adriana Mcfarland was knocked to the track in the first 100 meters of the 800m run, bruised and scraped up both legs, hit her head hard, got up and ran a strong race. A very inspiring performance by the little sophomore!!
For the Boys, Zach Watson (14'05) and Jake Zaugg (13'11) went one-two in the pole vault for huge points. Spencer Hull finished 4th in the shot put (49'10) and Brad Sherman 5th in the discus (146'05). Jaxon Worthen had a huge PR in the 110m hurdles running 15.13 to not only finish 5th, but set a school record in the process. The mark is the #1 5A time in the state this year. Kavika Fonua, Jake Garver, Zach Watson and Alex Vanderloo ran a great 4x100m relay to place 2nd in 43.17 to tie the school record. Garver, Vanderloo, Will Haddick and Mike Russell ran 3:39.22 to place 5th in the medley relay. Mike was asked to run the anchor leg at the last minute and responded with a huge 1:59.9 leg to help the TEAM score big points. Matt Dunston, Brandon Yardley, Jeff Knighton and Jaxon Hansen ran our best time of the year in the 4x400m relay (3:24.56) to place 2nd.
While not scoring points, there were several great performances that made the Titan All-Time list. Mason Woodward had a big PR in the javelin throwing 149'02, the #4 mark. Garver improved his PR’s in the 100m dash (11.42, #3) and 300m hurdles (41.07, #3). Steven Carter’s 43'10 is the #9 mark. Knighton (50.90) and Dunston (50.95) moved into the #7 and #8 marks in the 400m dash. While not a PR, Yardley’s 1:58.58 in the 800m run was a state qualifying mark. Hansen’s 4:28.38 in the 1600m run is the #5 mark on the list. Parker Greenhalgh (4:39.11, #7) and Cody Kelley (4:43.11, #8 and a class record) moved up the list in the 1600m run. Landon Greenhalgh’s 1:59.80 was an improvement on his #6 mark in the 800m run. Jace Skidmore’s 20'02 just missed his PR in the long jump and he had a slight foul that would have probably qualified him for state.
Overall, this was a great meet for the Titans. The early wake-up calls, long bus rides, long hours at the meet, were well worth it. It showed that the Titans are ready to compete against the best.
Complete results of the meet can be found at www.runnercard.com.
Selected as Athletes of the Week were Sharlie Dimick (returning to the great form before injuries slowed her last year), Kenzie Long (PR’s in both hurdles this week), Steven Carter and Jeff Knighton (PR’s this week and Academic All-State) and Jaxon Worthen (School Record in the 110m hurdles).
Lindsey McFarland ran 58.9 in the 400m dash Wednesday at the WSU Twilight meet. Cory Serfoss has seen limited action at Villanova this spring. His seasonal best in the 400m dash is 50.86. I think he has been injured- not sure. Most former Titans took the week off preparing for their conference championships.
It’s here!! Many of you have been preparing for this week since our indoor meeting in December. This is where the hard work and long hours will pay off. We not only want to have some great performances on the field of competition, but also great performances in conducting a successful Region Championships. We want all schools leaving Syracuse High Thursday feeling like this was a great meet hosted by a great program- Titan Track and Field!!! To achieve this, we need everyone’s help.
A final entry and assignment list will be handed out Tuesday.
We will host this big meet Friday. Again, it is important for everyone to help ensure that the meet runs smoothly. Assignments will be posted Tuesday.
This site has some very complete state rankings as well as other track and field news for Utah. Check it out.
May 9/10 - Region One Championships @ Syracuse
May 11 - North End Jr. High Championships @ Syracuse
May 15 - Sophomore/JV Region @ TBA
May 18/19 - State Championships @ BYU - 7:00 am
All Titan Track info, including performance lists, all-time lists, etc., can be found at: www.titantrack2012.blogspot.com.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Titan Track Bulletin - Apr 29, 2012
The season is winding down. It’s time to “fine-tune” the training and give more attention to the “little things” such as sleep, nutrition, pre-hab, etc. It’s too late for dramatic changes in your training. Follow the advice of the coaches and you will be ready to perform at the highest level possible at Region and State.
Syracuse split the dual meet with Fremont Wednesday as the Boys won 90-49 while the Girls were defeated 86-45. Picking up victories for the Lady Titans were: Jaycie Smith, high jump (4'08); Sharlie Dimick, 800m run (2:34.2); and Erin Kibler, 3200m run (13:00.5).
Individual winners for the Boys included: Will Haddick, pole vault (11'00, #4 all-time); Spencer Hull, shot put (49'11, #3 all-time); Brad Sherman, discus (144'09); Mason Woodward, javelin (141'06); Jake Garver, 100m dash (11.34w); Alex Vanderloo, 200m dash (23.72); Jeff Knighton, 400m dash (51.48, #9 all-time); Parker Greenhalgh, 800m run (2:07.9, #10 all-time); Landon Greenhalgh, 1600m run (4:37.14, #6 all-time); Jaxon Worthen, 110m hurdles (16.14); and Shane Russell, 300m hurdles (42.86).
The meet was a good tuneup for the Davis Invitational.
The 55th Davis High Invitational was a great meet for the Titans. By the end of the day, the medal haul was pretty impressive. Team scores are not kept at this meet. If they were, the Boys would have been up at the top with Davis and Riverton. The meet is divided into two sections with the Invited (afternoon) session limited to the top few athletes in the state. The Open (morning) session is still very competitive with only limited entries allowed. Lady Titans medaling in the Open session were:
Brittney Martin- 1st shot put (35'04.75, a state qualifying mark and #3 all-time);
Abby Call- 6th shot put (32'00.50);
Sarah Sperry- 3rd high jump (5'00);
Jaycie Smith- 5th high jump (5'00, #2 all-time); and
Cheyna Field, Sam Segura, Sarah Sperry and Katrina Dunlap 5th 4x400m relay (4:14.5).
Boys medaling in the Open session included:
Jaxon Worthen- 1st high jump (6'00, #3 all-time), 5th 110m hurdles (15.84, #4 all-time);
Jace Skidmore- 5th long jump (19'08);
Steven Carter- 6th shot put (43'01.50);
Shane Russell- 3rd 110m hurdles (15.64);
Matt Dunston- 1st 400m dash (50.99, #7 all-time);
Jeff Knighton- 6th 400m dash (51.55);
Jake Garver- 2nd 300m hurdles (41.56, #3 all-time), 5th 100m dash (11.48);
Mike Russell- 4th 300m hurdles (42.03, #7 all-time); and
Kavika Fonua- 4th 100m dash (11.42).
Top finishers for the Lady Titans in the Invited session were:
Jaylen Hernandez, Michelle Thurgood and Mallory Ashby- all cleared 7'08 in the pole vault with Jaylen getting the 6th place medal based on misses;
Cheyna Field, Katrina Dunlap, Adriana McFarland and Erin Kibler- 7th 4x800m relay (10:19.60, missing the school record by .6 seconds).
Boys medaling in the Invited session were:
Jaxon Hansen- 1st 800m run (5:54.79, a state qualifying mark and School Record);
Zach Watson- 1st pole vault (14'04, a state qualifying mark);
Jake Zaugg- 2nd pole vault (14'04, a state qualifying mark and #2 all-time);
Spencer Hull- 2nd shot put (49'07, a state qualifying mark);
Bradley Sherman- 2nd discus (159'00, a state qualifying mark and #3 all-time);
Shane Russell- 3rd 300m hurdles (40.90, #2 all-time);
Ashton Bigelow- 6th 300m hurdles (41.66, #4 all-time);
Brandon Yardley- 7th 1600m run (4:35.36, a state qualifying mark, #3 all-time);
Alex Vanderloo, Jake Garver, Jeff Knighton and Parker Greenhalgh- 3rd medley relay (3:45.84);
Vanderloo, Knighton, Mike Russell and Will Haddick (5th 4x400m relay (3:36.88); and
Landon Greenhalgh, Dunston, Hansen and Yardley- 2nd 4x400m relay (3:25.10).
This meet was a great one for the Titans with many state qualifying marks and the Titan All-Time list taking a beating. The boys 300m hurdles was the best example of this as our #2, #3, #4 and #5 all-time marks established in the meet. And all rank high on the 2012 state list. There was one “bummer” in the meet as Michael Phelps re-injured his hamstring in the 4x100m relay. Let’s hope that the recovery this time will be swift and complete. We will need some people to step up big time to replace him in the relays.
Complete results of the meet can be found at www.runnercard.com.
Selected as Athletes of the Week were Jaycie Smith, Alex Vanderloo and Matt Dunston. All had outstanding performances at Davis.
Lindsey McFarland ran a PR 2:15.76 in the 800m run to win the Robison Invitational at BYU. In his first real race in a long time, Tyrell Yardley cruised to a 49.54 in the 400m dash at the same meet.
This is your last chance to move up in the region rankings. Pick the events where you have the best chance to qualify for region. For those competing at BYU, we will help you pick and event or two that will have you ready to run on Friday/Saturday.
This is the biggest invitational meet held in Utah. It runs both Friday and Saturday. A finalized schedule and list of entries will be posted Monday. Buses will be leaving EARLY both days.
We will be hosting the Region Championships May 9/10. We would like to have a concessions stand to try to make a little money. We could use some parents to help organize and monitor it. We would also have it running the day after Region for the Junior High North End meet. If your parents can help out, let me know.
They are in. Those not paid for and picked up by Tuesday will be sold to anyone interested in purchasing them.
This site has some very complete state rankings as well as other track and field news for Utah. Check it out.
We’ve created a site on you tube for videos. If your parents have a good one to upload, let me know. I’ve just put a couple test ones on so far. You go to youtube.com then enter titantfxc. It should bring up the site.
May 2 - Layton Dual @ Layton - 3:00 pm
May 4/5 - BYU Invitational - TBA
May 9/10 - Region One Championships @ Syracuse
May 11 - North End Jr. High Championships @ Syracuse
May 15 - Sophomore/JV Region @ TBA
May 18/19 - State Championships @ BYU - 7:00 am
All Titan Track info, including performance lists, all-time lists, etc., can be found at: www.titantrack2012.blogspot.com.
The season is winding down. It’s time to “fine-tune” the training and give more attention to the “little things” such as sleep, nutrition, pre-hab, etc. It’s too late for dramatic changes in your training. Follow the advice of the coaches and you will be ready to perform at the highest level possible at Region and State.
Syracuse split the dual meet with Fremont Wednesday as the Boys won 90-49 while the Girls were defeated 86-45. Picking up victories for the Lady Titans were: Jaycie Smith, high jump (4'08); Sharlie Dimick, 800m run (2:34.2); and Erin Kibler, 3200m run (13:00.5).
Individual winners for the Boys included: Will Haddick, pole vault (11'00, #4 all-time); Spencer Hull, shot put (49'11, #3 all-time); Brad Sherman, discus (144'09); Mason Woodward, javelin (141'06); Jake Garver, 100m dash (11.34w); Alex Vanderloo, 200m dash (23.72); Jeff Knighton, 400m dash (51.48, #9 all-time); Parker Greenhalgh, 800m run (2:07.9, #10 all-time); Landon Greenhalgh, 1600m run (4:37.14, #6 all-time); Jaxon Worthen, 110m hurdles (16.14); and Shane Russell, 300m hurdles (42.86).
The meet was a good tuneup for the Davis Invitational.
The 55th Davis High Invitational was a great meet for the Titans. By the end of the day, the medal haul was pretty impressive. Team scores are not kept at this meet. If they were, the Boys would have been up at the top with Davis and Riverton. The meet is divided into two sections with the Invited (afternoon) session limited to the top few athletes in the state. The Open (morning) session is still very competitive with only limited entries allowed. Lady Titans medaling in the Open session were:
Brittney Martin- 1st shot put (35'04.75, a state qualifying mark and #3 all-time);
Abby Call- 6th shot put (32'00.50);
Sarah Sperry- 3rd high jump (5'00);
Jaycie Smith- 5th high jump (5'00, #2 all-time); and
Cheyna Field, Sam Segura, Sarah Sperry and Katrina Dunlap 5th 4x400m relay (4:14.5).
Boys medaling in the Open session included:
Jaxon Worthen- 1st high jump (6'00, #3 all-time), 5th 110m hurdles (15.84, #4 all-time);
Jace Skidmore- 5th long jump (19'08);
Steven Carter- 6th shot put (43'01.50);
Shane Russell- 3rd 110m hurdles (15.64);
Matt Dunston- 1st 400m dash (50.99, #7 all-time);
Jeff Knighton- 6th 400m dash (51.55);
Jake Garver- 2nd 300m hurdles (41.56, #3 all-time), 5th 100m dash (11.48);
Mike Russell- 4th 300m hurdles (42.03, #7 all-time); and
Kavika Fonua- 4th 100m dash (11.42).
Top finishers for the Lady Titans in the Invited session were:
Jaylen Hernandez, Michelle Thurgood and Mallory Ashby- all cleared 7'08 in the pole vault with Jaylen getting the 6th place medal based on misses;
Cheyna Field, Katrina Dunlap, Adriana McFarland and Erin Kibler- 7th 4x800m relay (10:19.60, missing the school record by .6 seconds).
Boys medaling in the Invited session were:
Jaxon Hansen- 1st 800m run (5:54.79, a state qualifying mark and School Record);
Zach Watson- 1st pole vault (14'04, a state qualifying mark);
Jake Zaugg- 2nd pole vault (14'04, a state qualifying mark and #2 all-time);
Spencer Hull- 2nd shot put (49'07, a state qualifying mark);
Bradley Sherman- 2nd discus (159'00, a state qualifying mark and #3 all-time);
Shane Russell- 3rd 300m hurdles (40.90, #2 all-time);
Ashton Bigelow- 6th 300m hurdles (41.66, #4 all-time);
Brandon Yardley- 7th 1600m run (4:35.36, a state qualifying mark, #3 all-time);
Alex Vanderloo, Jake Garver, Jeff Knighton and Parker Greenhalgh- 3rd medley relay (3:45.84);
Vanderloo, Knighton, Mike Russell and Will Haddick (5th 4x400m relay (3:36.88); and
Landon Greenhalgh, Dunston, Hansen and Yardley- 2nd 4x400m relay (3:25.10).
This meet was a great one for the Titans with many state qualifying marks and the Titan All-Time list taking a beating. The boys 300m hurdles was the best example of this as our #2, #3, #4 and #5 all-time marks established in the meet. And all rank high on the 2012 state list. There was one “bummer” in the meet as Michael Phelps re-injured his hamstring in the 4x100m relay. Let’s hope that the recovery this time will be swift and complete. We will need some people to step up big time to replace him in the relays.
Complete results of the meet can be found at www.runnercard.com.
Selected as Athletes of the Week were Jaycie Smith, Alex Vanderloo and Matt Dunston. All had outstanding performances at Davis.
Lindsey McFarland ran a PR 2:15.76 in the 800m run to win the Robison Invitational at BYU. In his first real race in a long time, Tyrell Yardley cruised to a 49.54 in the 400m dash at the same meet.
This is your last chance to move up in the region rankings. Pick the events where you have the best chance to qualify for region. For those competing at BYU, we will help you pick and event or two that will have you ready to run on Friday/Saturday.
This is the biggest invitational meet held in Utah. It runs both Friday and Saturday. A finalized schedule and list of entries will be posted Monday. Buses will be leaving EARLY both days.
We will be hosting the Region Championships May 9/10. We would like to have a concessions stand to try to make a little money. We could use some parents to help organize and monitor it. We would also have it running the day after Region for the Junior High North End meet. If your parents can help out, let me know.
They are in. Those not paid for and picked up by Tuesday will be sold to anyone interested in purchasing them.
This site has some very complete state rankings as well as other track and field news for Utah. Check it out.
We’ve created a site on you tube for videos. If your parents have a good one to upload, let me know. I’ve just put a couple test ones on so far. You go to youtube.com then enter titantfxc. It should bring up the site.
May 2 - Layton Dual @ Layton - 3:00 pm
May 4/5 - BYU Invitational - TBA
May 9/10 - Region One Championships @ Syracuse
May 11 - North End Jr. High Championships @ Syracuse
May 15 - Sophomore/JV Region @ TBA
May 18/19 - State Championships @ BYU - 7:00 am
All Titan Track info, including performance lists, all-time lists, etc., can be found at: www.titantrack2012.blogspot.com.
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